Drabble: Audible (Glee, Puck/Kurt-ish)

Mar 15, 2011 22:54

Title: Audible ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

way_to_the_end March 16 2011, 02:58:57 UTC
Oh poor Puck =( When I was making this icon:
... )


way_to_the_end March 16 2011, 02:59:29 UTC
And I forgot to write that I really liked your take on that scene! It was perfect!


openedbook March 16 2011, 03:03:43 UTC
*curtseys* Thank you ma'am! Comments make my lifeeeeeee. *druggie face*

Like I stated, this is going to be part of a larger fic that fits with canon, http://community.livejournal.com/puckurt/970926.html?thread=21838510 explained there, that I'm gonna get to work on. I just figured I can't post tonight's episode fic if I haven't done the others leading up. I'll get to it soon because I feel like I'm on an inspired roll!


way_to_the_end March 16 2011, 03:47:27 UTC
Yes, I remember reading that comment and I can't wait to read the story. I hope you'll be able to post soon. I need some Puckurt love right now :D


loredi March 16 2011, 03:03:20 UTC
He was just heart-broken, wasn't he? :(


openedbook March 16 2011, 03:05:28 UTC
*nods* I saw it! He was like "*sigh*" in that way and he looked down and I was just... "*sigh* I feel you, bb!"


psyko_kittie March 16 2011, 03:15:15 UTC
Poor bb. But at least Lauren was there to pick up the pieces. :)


openedbook March 16 2011, 03:29:53 UTC
:D Thank you for reading and commenting!

I must say I also LOVEloveLAHV your icon!


mavilous March 16 2011, 14:29:25 UTC
Oh, Lauren. Oh, Puck and his unexplained emotional reactions to Kurt on stage.

Oh, show.

I like this. <3


openedbook March 16 2011, 15:11:37 UTC
I'm so glad that you do. I was worried I didn't elaborate enough.


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