a heart to hold you
sunggyu x woohyun, romance, pg
a/n: lmao what? late christmas fic. also i hate lj's new format. title taken by a keane song by the same name.
there's a sigh, and a brief exchange of words as the flustered girl scribbles something on her pad, maybe another tidbit to her collection of thoughts on the miserable day she's already having this christmas morning. or maybe last minute ideas for her boyfriend's gift, plans for a new year's party. sunggyu decides to stop thinking. it is morning after all.
"and a blueberry muffin." sunggyu looks up from the red mittens placed on his lap. "the low fat one."
another. "it's christmas," sunggyu remarks, but that indiscernible figure from across the vast tabletop only shrugs. framed with christmas lights. "and?" he can hear the word reverberate. never mind.
"and," sunggyu continues, "and nothing."
"hm." the muffin comes quicker than expected. "so, did you open your gifts yet?" a twinkle of laughter, like the clump of sugar clinging to the edge of a white plate.
sunggyu lifts the mittens. "they're nice."
"that's nice."
dear god, sunggyu thinks, this isn't working.
"what isn't?"
sunggyu frowns. neither is the barrier between his brain and his mouth. "i should go. my mom needs help with cooking for the dinner tonight." those eyes light up, but that just might be the dancing santa claus behind their booth. "i'll see you soon then."
"wait." the lump of gray and wool stands up and for once sunggyu can actually see his face. smiling, a bit red from the cold. "merry christmas."
sunggyu ends up walking out of the coffee shop with a neatly wrapped box in his stinging hands (who even does that anymore, kissing in public) and into the dull gray streets under some dull gray skies. he looks back, and woohyun is throwing out his trash, staring at him with some distant smile that he just can't read. something like, what? i miss you?
sunggyu shakes his head. not yet. maybe next year.
this was not supposed to be my first infinite fic ㅠㅠ 에이C 몰라!!!! hope you enjoyed anyway