sherlock and lestrade, gen, pg-13
to sherlock, it is always the hat
a/n: i saw this prompt on the sherlock kink meme but i figured that no one really wants to read shitty fic from me so i'll just be writing this for my own entertainment. because god knows how funny lestrade would look with a deerstalker on. oh greg.
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Comments 2
also lestrade in a deerstalker would be sexy adorable ;u;
ahh no that's an overexaggeration!! ㅠ i've still got a ways to go to haha hopefully i'll get the hang of writing sherlock fic, one day..!! thank you kindly though ♡
lestrade is just sexy/adorable in general so he can werk anything he wears imo
i really really really want to see him wear one now omg ㅠㅠ
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