i like the peom in general, and i hate to do this, but there are a few errors in it...:
en peurent (present participle) c'etait nous avons decide (with accents but you know that)(to have nous in the past the c'etait mus also be otherwise the tenses dont match) reine (not renne) mes cheres amis (with accents) j'ai toujours dis
mmm im sure thats not what you wanted to know, but now it will be better in case you decide to turn it in for a project for french or something those are the ones i saw just looking at it.
i do like the poem tho its pretty, even if it doesnt follw the 12 syllable line used in classic french poetry... oh you progressive you!
thanks stephy, you frenchy you! I know it has typos, I wrote it in the flash, and I occasionally made bad grammar just to make the rhythm work or rhyme, *tsk* on me! I'm not doint this for a class, I'm not even taking french this term, but thanks for the concern!
what do you think about how I extended the syllable and added beat in the second stanza?
yeah that mkaes it sounds pretty, its just wierd to read becuase you knwo that in frenhc poetry you pronounce the mute (e)'s on all the intrenal words, excpet on the end of a line. so when it's read in a poetic fashion, the count gets thrown off...
but its still really pretty.
we just listened to this song in class its an old frenhc song and sounds really operatic (?) you would love it... if you have msn i might try to find it or get it from my prof and sent it to you.
Comments 5
en peurent (present participle)
c'etait nous avons decide (with accents but you know that)(to have nous in the
past the c'etait mus also be otherwise the tenses dont match)
reine (not renne)
mes cheres amis (with accents)
j'ai toujours dis
mmm im sure thats not what you wanted to know, but now it will be better in case you decide to turn it in for a project for french or something
those are the ones i saw just looking at it.
i do like the poem tho its pretty, even if it doesnt follw the 12 syllable line used in classic french poetry... oh you progressive you!
what do you think about how I extended the syllable and added beat in the second stanza?
but its still really pretty.
we just listened to this song in class its an old frenhc song and sounds really operatic (?) you would love it... if you have msn i might try to find it or get it from my prof and sent it to you.
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