Mon, 13:36: Dear world, I think I took a nap. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes and people left me alone.... that'sโฆ
Mon, 15:06: Moody children are moody today.... sheesh!
Sun, 16:29: Sat outside in the sun this afternoon. Beautiful breeze. Perfect setting to write a tragic death scene, right?โฆ
Sun, 19:53: Magazine by Jump Little Children may just be my favorite damn album ever. And yes, I just listened to the whole tโฆ
Sun, 06:59: For the rest of the week I have to get up and get dressed to feel normal, but I do love writing in my jammies withโฆ
Fri, 07:15: I have discovered that for a yummy coffee treat you add teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, andโฆ
Wed, 13:34: Spencer- steak medium rare with potatoes and bread, COFFEE! (eats this for most meals, really) Henry-Poached eggs,โฆ
Wed, 13:34: RT @ KayAyDrew: I've started feeding the crows in my backyard so that when this is over I will emerge from my isolation stronger, more mysteโฆ
Mon, 18:39: I made a fairy house today and was instantly transported back to childhood alone in the woods making these same houโฆ
Thu, 12:46: The children are napping. The husband is napping. All is quiet. Time to write up a brief scene introducing Madam Urโฆ
Thu, 18:42: Writing more actually. Still tiny chunks at a time but being home has made me more resolved to keep up my projectsโฆ