I am off today. horray for that. I want to be as far away from ManorCare as I possibly can. just for today. tomorrow I will go back though. hehe
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This is from Alicia
May 9 2003, 10:07:23 UTC
This is just a message for you and your immature girlfriend... fiance or whatever you wanna call each other. I do not appreciate the way you have treated Dani. Dani is a good friend. You two sit on your livejournals and write about all the shit you do with your "other" friends. No one cares, and I mean no one. You are lifeless pathetic people. And I don't care if you don't appreciate what I'm writing... because guess what, I'm not afraid of you and you can do anything to me. If you don't like Dani and Jasmine, fine move on, but to try and hurt Dani intentionally is just dumb. You think Dani is whipped, no you two are the whipped ones. If she meant so much to you, you would have saved your friendship. Relationships come and go but friends are supposed to be forever, you immature jackasses
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