Its a really good thing I was in IB because that is the reason why I am graduating a year early. This is good not only because VCU has become the bane of my existence, but because there are, like, a lot of people I graduated with from high school who are psychology majors. Some of these people are a lot smarter than I am, but they're not
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tonight i came to a realization: i am a friendship ruiner. i ruin friendships. and i am not referring to those between other people. i mean my own. i have been finding ways to sabatoge my friendships since i was 11 years old. this is truly depressing. i don't understand why i keep doing this or how for that matter. so, not only do i
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Meredith: They’re everywhere, all the time. Izzie’s all perky, and George does this thing where he’s helpful and considerate. They share food, and they move things, and they say things, and they breathe. Ugh…they’re like, happy
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...and i am sitting through one right now. i am tired, and the first season of grey's anatomy is just sitting in my apartment waiting for me to come watch it. and i want a smoothie. i wonder what time the TSC on broad closes. hmm. i don't want to sit through this bullshit. i know how to use PsychInfo. i know how to do research. how fucking
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