Since I just posted that November fic (hurray for insomniac princesses), I've got sleeplessness on the mind. I find myself regularly afflicted with what Michael Chabon calls "the midnight disease"... midnight, when I'm trying to get to sleep, is usually when I get most of my ideas for fic, and so I blearily switch my laptop back on and enter
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Comments 4
And it's fine to blame me for anything. I'm a horrible dirty instigator, and enabler, and given any opening to encourage someone, I will always nudge them toward wickedness and indulging the baser inclinations. (Just ask poor pandoraculpa, to whom I send texts out of the blue consisting of things like "Summary: Doumeki Needs To Get Laid. Please write this for me. It's guaranteed hilarity.")
Oh jeezly crow, Doumeki's parents. I could weep with yearning.
But the baser inclinations are always so much more fun. As are lolarious text messages of randomosity and fictional sexy good fun times. This world will always need enablers like you, so you can get us into tasty, tasty crack.
(Me and etzyofi just used to text each other Flight of the Conchords lyrics out of the blue. There was also a solid two weeks where all that we texted each other was Courage Wolf sayings, e.g. "BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW. THAN CHEW IT." Or: "CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN. PUNCH THE FACE OF GOD.")
Oh man oh man, I am hammering away at this problem of Doumeki: The Last Generation. I haven't yet reached the research/plotting saturation point where I should Already Be Writing the Damn Thing, but I cannot wait until I hit that moment.
I'll get back to you on that (as always, delightfully epic! and oh so very insightful) comment about the Twilight!fail - but tomorrow morning. I just saw Rachel Getting Married and it messed me up hard; I knew commenting to this would ( ... )
Anyway, I am going to try to keep my comments today and share my Twilight ramblings with you in that other thread - never fear, you have the all clear to criticize Twilight on that comm, and part of my reply should give you an idea about why. :D
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