Title: Song in Red & Gray-Chapter 38: Future
Author: ophelivia
Rating: R-NC17
Word Count: 18,530
Pairing: Beckett/OC, James/OC
Characters: James/Rose
Summary: "Do just what I tell you and no one will get hurt." A series of vignettes spanning both films.
Status: In-Progress
Disclaimer: I don't own the Pirates characters. Rose is mine, but I should
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Comments 9
"James heard Lord Beckett from Rose’s mouth." I already told you how much I adore this.
"Why were the arms cradling her as if they needed her?" So wonderful that a protective movement turns into a cry for help. I love it.
And that last line is made of win!
Wonderful new chapter. Thank you so much again. :)
I love how Cutler manages to somehow still be the center of their attention even if he isn't present, or 'only' through Rose.
hey Veronica,
Thanks so much for your note. I am really delighted to have you in a class once again. You always add so much and keep me on my toes. It's great, too, that you and Caitlin know each other and can work together I'm looking forward to the semester. I think you will enjoy it.
I'm glad to hear that Liv is interested in transferring into one of my classes. I just signed in 2 more students to NS12, seniors who want to graduate this semester, so it's already at 24, altho 22 is the limit. But my NS11 class is still at 22, and 1 or 2 students may drop, as usually happens. That class meets MW, 2 - 4 pm in the same room (berliner 207). If she is free then, I would be delighted to sign her in. She could come to the class on Monday. If that doesn't work, I'll try to figure out a way to sign her into NS12.
Kind regards
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