If you're curious, here's what I got.
- Strapless top & sweater with faux fur-trimmed hood! (Mom & Dad)
- KitchenAid Mixmaster!!! (Mom & Dad)
- Oven mitt/stocking full of goodies! (Chris & Jenny)
- Cocoa butter handcream! (Mom)
- Lemon-scented soap! (Mom)
- Change purse with a $20 bill inside! (Mom)
- Dollar store goodies! (Dad)
- $25 East Side Mario's Gift Card! (Mom)
- $50 Sephora Gift Card!!! (Jenny)
- Socks! (Grandma)
- Suede gloves from Danier! (Mom)
- Walker's Ready Salted Crisps! (Jenny)
- Philosophy Fruit Punch Shampoo!!! (Chris & Jenny)
- Cheese grater! (Dad)
- Juicy Fruit gum! (Mom)
- Jewelry box! (Mom)
- Crispy M&Ms! (Jenny)
- Jelly Babies! (Jenny)
- British Smarties! (Jenny)
- My favourite hair-styling product! (Mom)
- Umbrella! (Darren)
- Candles! (Aunt Jo)
- Soap! (Em)
- Doctor Who Series 4!!! (Chris & Jenny)
- Notebook + matching pen! (Mom)
- Hob Nobs! (Jenny)
Basically, the KitchenAid Mixmaster was the most shocking gift ever because I've wanted one for years. And there are so many attachments I can buy for it. One to make pasta! One to make ice cream! One to... stuff sausages?! It'll be so much fun.
Really great day, too; lots of fun. Dinner was great, as was the company. Plenty more photos to come later. For now, maybe a few episodes of Doctor Who, a good sleep to rest up for the Boxing Day rush (:'( working), and... yes. Yes!
Hope you all had a terrific day, too! ♥