Here you go, world!

Jan 10, 2009 16:45

  1. Generally, if given a choice between flavours/scents, I will opt for orange. For instance, one of my favourite scents is The Body Shop's satsuma. I've had this in bars of soap, body wash, body butter and an oil perfume which I've only stopped using because I discovered one perfume I liked better: Harajuku Lovers' "G".

  2. While I have an obsessive personality, I do not have an addictive one. Therefore, I can intake substances without developing habits. Since there is a history of addiction in my family, this is a very lucky break for me. Whenever I talk about getting drunk/otherwise inebriated to my mother, she seems to worry about me, but I know for a fact that I'll be alright.

  3. I am prone to guilt, and can't escape the feeling of it once it's hit me. A fair number of my life experiences have been tainted by a guilty feeling, the subject of which I can't always pinpoint, but the feeling of which I will always remember clearly.

  4. While not interested in having children anyway (I've never been very fond of them, and pregnancy kind of creeps me out, to be honest), I worry that I couldn't take care of children if I ever did have them. I mean, I barely feel like I can take care of myself, sometimes. I don't even have all that much going on in my life, but it's sometimes near-impossible to keep on top of everything.

  5. I have trouble taking anything seriously. Generally, this is a trait I don't mind in myself, but I'm sometimes bothered by it. I wonder if my relationships with certain people would be stronger if I didn't constantly mock them. (This mocking is a sign of affection, certainly, but I can see how it would get tiring.)

  6. I have a constant struggle going on in my brain between the two types of people I would like to be: classy vs. ridiculous/fun. I don't know how to describe it entirely, but I realize it should be a decently easy thing to balance. I just don't know how.

  7. One of my terrible habits comes from sometimes feeling underappreciated: I decide, randomly, that I'm not going to put in so much effort, and don't do things for others that I think I should. This doesn't happen often, but when it does I nearly always regret it.

  8. I am desperate for life experiences. Since this is the case, I can go so far as to not mind almost anything that comes my way, just because it equals up to my having lived all the more.

  9. I blame it mainly on being ridiculously indulgent with my self-pity when I was a teenager, but I nowadays do everything I can to avoid ever being sad. As you may have noticed, this includes my "positive things" lists, which make a fair few appearances in my LiveJournal, but also fill up my Moleskine.

  10. I find myself writing for an audience even in my own private notebooks, and I'm not sure whether it's in case anyone ever happens upon them (why should I accommodate people who are reading my private writings and shouldn't be?) or because it's the only way I know how to write.

  11. I've often wondered how dramatically different my life would be had things gone differently at certain junctures in my life: if I had been more involved in sports or had taken music lessons as a child, if I had been accepted to Canterbury High School, if I had auditioned for that play in Grade 10, if I had applied for more than one post-secondary school, etc. However, knowing the people I know and leading the life I lead, I believe that I am happier (even despite all my numerous flaws) than I would be in any other life.

  12. I want desperately to move somewhere foreign and start over. I always have London in mind, because English is the only language I speak, and because I have trouble imagining a more amazing city than London. I've gone so far as to research how I can get a work Visa (pretty straight forward), and I tell myself constantly that this will happen one of these days. At the same time, however, I have trouble imagining actually going through with it. The worry I focus on most is what I'll do with my things while I'm gone, because I can't bear to think about how sad I would be to go such a long time without seeing all my friends.

  13. It makes me very sad sometimes that certain fictional things are, in fact, fictional.

  14. While my college experience left me more confident than I had been when I started out, it also led way for one of my greatest insecurities: my speaking patterns. A certain professor of mine told me, while I was working on a scene, that I had a lisp. This was something I had never noticed, but now I cannot escape it.

  15. I am quick to embrace new technology, but I am also desperately in love with old technology. For example, I look forward to all the future's great innovations, but I also crave things like a record player and an antique typewriter.

  16. I still suck my thumb. This is my worst and most embarrassing habit, but one that comes out particularly when I'm tired or uncomfortable. I never tell anyone this, lest they think less (much, much less) of me for it.

  17. I am not one to give up on others.

  18. I have, to this point, been fortunate enough to avoid this, but the idea of losing anyone I care about scares me more than I can begin to describe.

  19. When I say "I cannot lie," this is partially true, but what I really mean is that I do not like to lie. I consider myself a very honest person, and I like myself this way.

  20. I have a number of obsessive-compulsive habits. These include counting my steps, setting ridiculous goals for myself in my brain and then feeling very ill-at-ease when I don't manage to accomplish them, and keeping volumes at even/sensical numbers wherever possible.

  21. I have, for my entire life, hated ham. I blame this on one particular occasion as a child on which my Aunt Jan (who has, due to various circumstances, been more or less excommunicated from my family) cooked one for dinner and it was unpleasantly salty and disgusting. Something like this seems an odd reason to hate a food for the rest of one's life, but ever since, ham has just tasted that way to me: ridiculously salty, rather disgusting.

  22. I've always wanted to be able to play instruments and speak languages besides English. You wouldn't believe how many people I know who specialize in both of these things.

  23. I have trouble following action sequences in movies, mainly because I don't find them interesting, so I automatically zone out.

  24. As a child, I was very responsible with my money. This is no longer the case.

  25. I distinctly remember, at a younger age, not understanding why people would travel all around to see one musician. This, I'm sure you can imagine, has since changed dramatically.

life!, meme

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