Oh one can dream that that actually is my schedule. Sure no money but then it's a vacation!
By the way, check out those bad ass hours for this week. I love how they schedule me for opening on my birthday of all days! And that sweet nine hour day? Yeah, overtime for an hour. What up big bucks?! Don't tell anyone I let you see that. Everything we're told is so hush hush god knows if I'm even allowed to tell you I work at Disney.
Ahem. So the heat is becoming bearable and the hours I hold are not. Everyone, and I mean everyone, works more than I do. I get the promised 30 hour week, while everyone else gets at least 45. COME ON! I really don't want to work that much but let's do some math here. 45 hours in a five day work schedule. Working over eight hours a day gives you time and a half for everey overtime hour. My roommate worked 56 hours last week. I worked 29.5 (got let out early). Even with the killer two weeks rent taken out of her check she made above and beyond the measily $23 I was left to laugh my ass off at on Thursday.
And all the guys here are either gay or creepy. Like, everyone. Even the ones I'm friends with. Creepy. Lolz not really. Some are though. Srsly. There's a lot of good looking guys at work and if they aren't attractive, they have a British accent thus making them attractive. But a guy working in merch? Most likely gay. I can't get over the fact that I work with a guy named Ariel here though. That must suck for him. "Hey, you have the same name as the little mermaid"! I'd shoot myself in the face.
I want to be able to visit home for a long weekend at some point but with those awesome paychecks I'm pulling in I don't know if I would really be able to. I know it would only be for the flight, and by the end of October I would be able to cover a roundtrip, but not working for a few days could starve me in the later weeks. But actually, if I go home at the end of October, my mom would be visiting the beginning of November. That means...free meals. Hmm. Maybe I should look into requesting days off. And then not tell anyone I'm coming. And do a sneak attack on Stony. But I bet I would pick the one weekend everyone goes home. One can still plot though...right?
I swear to god it was like 12:30 when I sat down at the computer. I get to go to DAK tomorrow for the first time since I've been here and see a few people in action. Steve and maybe Matt. I'm not sure if Matt likes me or not so we'll see how that one goes...but really, who could hate me? I would never hate me. Or even kinda dislike me. Or even be less than fond of me. Everyone at the very least, thinks nicely of me. So fuck him if he doesn't like me. Well, no. I would need to hear a valid reason. From him. So I could then get in his face and at least give him a reason to hate me. Which I bet you, he doesn't. God damn, I just analyzed the shit out of this. I like Matt though, he has this way of looking at you when you talk to him that just shows so much...attentiveness or some shit. Its awesome when it appears as though people are paying attention. Haha wtf why am I so gay? You see how this whole paragraph just spiraled into something completely different than what it started as? I haven't seen a little blue pill or capsule in months and it shows. Hoorah, low dopamine levels.
I don't know if I would really be able to fall asleep right now. I woke up three times last night. I never ever wake up in the night unless I have to pee really really bad. And of the three times I woke up, none were to pee. I was very hungry yesterday and actually, still am. I'm going to be hungry all week too. If I can't get to a place to buy food tomorrow, I'm going to run out of things to eat quickly. And by quickly I mean, in the next two days. So, starved til Saturday? Really living the high life down here, I'm telling you. I'd recommend this shit to anyone.
This got really long, and I'm getting to that tired place. I love reading long entries, gives me something to do. So I hope I just made your constant livejournal checking worth it.