you're such a blessingoppossumJanuary 2 2004, 22:48:20 UTC
you really did Adam. i almost cried. you always do that for me. nomatter what is going on i know you won't judge me and you will make me realize the difference in what i am doing and what i need to be doing. i love you so much Addie. you're amazing.
(clears throat)
January 2 2004, 23:03:00 UTC
we are gathered here today to pay our last respects to one of god's furry critters. his name was jingles, and he loves to play in the road. it was bound to happen one day. he had an evil side that was never exposed until two days ago. he would ravage through the neighbors trashcans, and laugh at them from there wuindows. jingles was an evil opossum with a history of criminal actions. he deserved the death at which he was given. ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. it looks like Jingles the Opossum wqill be playing dead forever on his side...." Amy, ur soo amazing. don't think of it as murdering a harmless creature. i have found out it's true intentions.he had a gun!!! his plans was to hijak your automobile (with adam) and go off to mexico for the free tequila and women. thank you for ridding us of this evil, and saving poor adams life. have a great night. -andy
Comments 8
glad i could've cheared u up.
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