Wanna Talk to a REAL person Sometime

Mar 22, 2006 07:26

Life had certainly been irritating lately. To sum up, I am compiling things that irked me within the past few weeks and have no one to talk to about.

1) I have had the worst trouble since I moved here making friends. I am naturally not a bar or club attendant and I don't have any clubs that I can meet people through. That said, I have very few friends outside of work. Thus, when I want to do something, most often I will look to my friends at work. NEVER AGAIN. In the past few weeks, I have spent sums of money on concert tickets for some friends, both who backed out AT THE LAST MINUTE. Having been waiting for this concert since November, I went by myself. It was a fabulous concert. Next, I made plans for a festival I had been anticipating for the past month AND NO ONE SHOWED UP TO MEET ME TO GO. In my obviously misplaced worry, I thought they might have been in a car accident or something equally disastrous since none of them answered their phones. But no, they just didn't want to go and couldn't give the courtesy of a phone call. So I ended up missing the festival trying to find out if they were ok.

When did I turn into this weak person to whom people think they can treat this way? Only one person really apologized and that was sketchy and then she avoided me all night long (this was at work).

2) Work is really starting to suck.I still like my job, and for the most part like my coworkers if I don't think of life outside of work, but again I am being taken advantage of. I have been working overnights for the past year, giving up the convenience of a days schedule for the dubious comfort of a set schedule so I could make plans. Lately being the 'overnight' person has been translating into 'any overnight we need filled'. In that vein, looking at the April schedule, suddenly I am scheduled to work 72 hours in a seven day period following a 60 hour workweek. WTF?I don't remember signing up for this. And - this is the kicker - I don't even really get compensated for the extra time, as the crappy office manager that was fired last year screwed up my vacation days and I was paid extra for them unknowingly, so now I have to 'work off' the hours I took off. I think any reasonable boss would have just zeroed out the time, since it was the office's mistake and not mine, but no. I have to work 5 extra 12 hour shifts before I can get any actual vacation time for this year.

3) On to house problems. I hate my house. The best thing I can say about it at the moment is that it has potential. Off course, that is implying that I have the money to make these changes. I am trying to remodel my first floor bathroom by myself to save costs, and having a really hard time finding a reliable plumber. Now, I have finally found one that I hope I will love and use again and again, but he is going out of town for two weeks so won't be able to help until mid April. In the meantime, I have one functional bathroom that currently leaks water through the light fixture into the kitchen downstairs. So either I will die of electrocution, or the water will rot out the floor and I will crash down one story while taking a shower.

4) My cats have apparently decided they do not like litter boxes anymore. To be fair, I think it's only two of the cats, but I am getting really really really tired of cleaning the walls. And the floors. And upright furniture. I have tried crating them, but that can only eliminate one at a time apparently, as I am still finding spots when I thought the culprit has been caged!

5)I miss my dogs. I didn't write about it all, but after I lost O.P (my lab, for whom this journal is named), last January, and I lost Merlin, my cat in the summer and then my St. Bernard Benny (who is the icon in my journal)in December. That leaves Harley, my incredibly lazy, can't walk a single city block without 3 rest stops, three legged St. Bernard. He is a very sweet dog, but I want a dog who will go for walks and follow me upstairs and possibly sleep in my bed. I am not fastidious about things like that. And I am lonely. For both human and canine companionship.

6)Wow, this list just gets longer and longer. I actually did meet a very nice couple at the above ranted about concert to which I went by myself. And then this past weekend, their young cat came into the hospital and had to be put to sleep because of heart failure. That's gonna make them want to call me to do things. Hey - let's invite the person who essentially killed out cat. I feel so guilty and sad about that cat. It sucks.

I think I will cut off my ranting here. Not that there aren't a million other slights and insults and problems I would like to talk about (like the fact my new computer keyboard has up and disappeared; I am still using the one with the broken space bar), but time is getting away with me and I have to finish tearing down plaster in the downstairs bathroom and get some stuff done. In summary, the light at the end of the tunnel seems very distant at this point. Big sigh.


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