
Apr 06, 2004 21:46

... Sooo i was looking at icons and i came across one that said

" Can people really fall in love so fast? "

I wanna hear some opinions.

Some people probably think its bullshit for people to fall in love at all. I used to be one of those people that didn't really believe in love after gettin hurt once really bad. I fell in love and got hurt.  ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

rubanthecuban April 7 2004, 01:29:46 UTC
the way I see it is:

You'll know you are in love when you don't have to question whether or not you are.

thats how i know i love my boyfriend.


optimus___prime April 8 2004, 12:32:57 UTC
yeah i know, same :)

mark looked so proud of you last night. u did such a good job


omegabonachega April 7 2004, 01:35:11 UTC
i don't believe you can fall in love...i think it's a choice...not saying i don't believe in love i just think that you have to choose to love...


optimus___prime April 8 2004, 12:33:55 UTC
if you dont let love in ur life then yes its a choice i guess


omegabonachega April 8 2004, 19:02:31 UTC
yes that is true...but it is also a choice to let the person in..and it is a choice to commit to that person..and it is a choice to spend the ammount of time in which it takes to have a relationship with that person...it is as much a choice to love as it is not to...which to me makes it even better when it happens because you know that you chose eachother.


hasmeblushing April 7 2004, 01:51:37 UTC
i always thought that saying "i love you" was a big deal, and that no one could say it so fast and actually mean it. until i met chris. i don't question my feelings, or his. i just clicked, and it just felt right. i know me and chris have only being oging out for like a month or so. but my feelings for him are strong, the strongest feeling i ever felt.

and my sapfest is over for the night... sorry


optimus___prime April 8 2004, 12:34:31 UTC
i always thought it was a big deal, i fell fast this time tho with jason and im never looking back :)

<3 <3

and i liked ur sapfest


lilwatsoncutie April 7 2004, 02:46:14 UTC
i don't think that it takes any time at all to fall in love. you can fall in love with someone in like a day if you wanted to..it's how you feel and it's easy to develop feelings


optimus___prime April 8 2004, 12:34:49 UTC
its verrry easy


__gcuz April 7 2004, 10:19:56 UTC
love is complicated. there's no limit to the amount of time at all. it can take two hours or six years. its unexplainable and it can happen in a split second. my friend aimee met this guy and as soon as she saw him she was like this is the man i am going to marry. sure people may be like pfft, you've only known him for two months, how can you possibly be in love, but it doesn't matter. i'm going with sarah on the when you don't have to question. because its true.


optimus___prime April 8 2004, 12:36:15 UTC
yeaa i feel that way too, if u question urself then ur not in love yet


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