Title: Five senses
Fandom: Bleach
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Renji x Ishida
Genre(s): Character observation, touches of angst
Warning(s): Future-fic. Spoilers throughout SS-arc. Shonen-ai.
Rating: PG-13 for some sensuality.
Summary: Renji observes Ishida in more ways than one.
Credits: All Kubo’s Tite's!
Ishida is a strange mish-mash of physical characteristics. )
Comments 2
You're probably thinking "I wasn't going for adorable!" ...that's how I saw it tho~ *snorts as she ponders the image of Renji actually using his brain in such a manner* XDD
/shameless plug\ Mew, I have a Renji/Ishida fic of my own... out here... somewhere. Part One and Part Two. Three and/or four will be out after my laptop returns to me from the shop _~_
Tell me what you think of it--my fic ^^
Sorry I took so long in replying to this. Thanks for your comment, and I'm glad it made you happy. :)
You're right that I wasn't going for adorable, although I think the term can be used to describe #4. I'm hopping off to read your fics right now. :)
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