I never used to feel so trapped before. Not even during No Man's Land.
It's silly of me. I keep telling myself that. It's stupid and illogical, and none of that does a damned bit of good, really. I haven't told Dick because I'm ashamed that I don't have better control over this. I should. It's not fair to him. It's not like he's doing this on purpose, and I know he still loves me and Mary.
I should be glad he's not going offworld again. It's just across the country. That's not so bad. Plenty of spouses have to travel that far a couple times a month.
Though it's not just that. It's part of it, but it's not just that.
The great benefit of being Oracle is that I don't need to wear a mask. I don't have to worry about not changing into my costume when I need to contact a cape. I can work in my bathrobe if I want to. I've taken calls in the swimming pool, for christ's sake.
But it also means I can't go to the JLA Thanksgiving, because Barbara Grayson has no reason to get an invitation. Batgirl was never a member. Oracle is, even though most of them think I'm an AI or a committee.
Sometimes I wish I were an AI. It wouldn't hurt so much to be alone so often.
If I didn't have Mary and Gypsy here, I don't know what I'd do.