Spike's Way chapter 5

Dec 27, 2004 12:22

For those of you who are interested, here is Chapter 5 of Spike's Way:

Chapter Five

(Lobby of Hyperion Hotel)

“Glinda? But she’s…” shock was overtaken by a sliver of fear, “Is the First back?” Spike stammered. Glinda. His undead heart mourned for the blonde witch…the only one who had seemed to really accept the possibility of a relationship between him and the Slayer. He growled, “Rogue, you better be quick with this, ‘cause I’m feeling a bit peckish, an’ right now I might be willing to overlook that I’m a soddin white hat!”

“Chill out, man…it’s cool. First’s not back. This Seer checked everything out, crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I's. ‘Cause you know everyone’s still on the alert for any sign of The First. So, this Seer-witch happened to be in Cleveland, had a nasty bit of business, nothing we couldn’t handle of course…anyway, she was in my backyard. No, really in my backyard.”

He raised his eyebrow. As long as he had known Faith, she had only lived out of cheap motels or behind prison bars.

“Hey, I’m a homeowner, what of it? We have a benefit package. Geez, do you want to hear this or not?” she huffed.

“Go on, s’not as if I’m stoppin’ ya, is it?” he snarled.

“So yeah, Tara was allowed by the Powers That Be to serve as their messenger on this one. And her message was a doozy, too. Tara said that ‘those of the light’ had been worried about Angelcakes ever since Cordy up and died, breaking their link. Yeah, even though they had Cordy give him some vision dream or something, they still didn’t know what side he would choose. Already had that little issue about him and Acathla and then something about Junior and Jasmine. Who’s this Jasmine chick, by the way? Nah, never mind. Hey, get this Bleachy…man, they’ve been watching you since before Drusilla got a hold of you. Yeah, you’ve always been special to them. Some kind of master plan. Ain’t that a kick in the ass,” Faith paused a second before continuing, wearing a big smile, with a smudge of mustard yellow goo on her brow.

Feelings of surprise and anger began to overwhelm Spike. He was not some plaything for some blasted Powers. To be kicked around, manipulated into doing their bidding. Sod it all, he was William the Bloody, Spike! And no one, be it demon, human, or God would tell him how to run his life. But he had to reign in his emotions and listen to the information Faith had to share. The Powers had used Glinda…and Glinda at least he would listen to.

Faith was continuing her explanation, “Okay, so Tara told this Seer chick that she needed to tell Dana’s Watcher to help Spike. That his time was now, whatever that meant. That Angel and Spike would be striking a blow against Evil, Inc., but they would need the help of three slayers to last through the first battle. Tara okayed me, and Dana and Rona volunteered. Boy when I heard you were alive, I wanted to get my ass to L.A. to do a couple of shots. But Tara’s message also contained a warning. Those of us trusted with the message could not tell Giles, Buffy and Dawn. Telling any of them would put their lives in immediate danger. Tara told us to be here, we’re here. Seer-witch knew a translocation spell and how to focus it. Got a few of her coven to help her with the mojo and after a nice shower of glitter, we ‘popped’ in here. But now that we’ve done what we were sent here for, let’s get the hell out of L.A. ‘Cause gotta say, Cleveland is looking better and better, and that’s tragic.”

Spike’s attention focused on the warnings about Buffy and Dawn and about those who were trusted. “Rogue…so you say this ‘Seer’ chit, who happens to be in Cleveland with you, gets a ‘message’ from Glinda, given to her by those Wankers That Be, sayin’ to bring yourself and two slayer pals with you to help me an’ the Grand Poof strike a blow against Evil Inc. And you wot…thought ‘slamming good time, let’s ‘pop’ on in'? And Rona…you volunteered? Come on…you (pointing to Rona) never liked me in good old Sunnyhell and Pinky here…well, let’s just say my fingers still tingle from our last meeting.” His anger had reached its peak; his voice reverberated throughout the walls of the old hotel as he continued hammering away at all the holes he saw in her explanation. “You talked about some secret message from Tara to Pink’s Watcher…but who is yours, Faith, and yours, Roni? Just who in the bleeding hell was trusted with this ‘message’…that was the brain trust behind this operation?”

Dana had scooted forward during Faith’s explanation. She looked as if she wanted to add something to the conversation, but was too shy to do so in front of all the different people. Strange that she been so carefree out slaughtering the demons outside, but in here with her fellow Slayers and other normal people ... scratch that … one regular person with artificially enhanced lawyer knowledge embedded in his brain, one offspring of two master vampires and one master vampire with a soul…she seemed almost tongue-tied. Pinky was shuffling her bare feet and twirling a finger around one of her ponytails.

“Err…umm…Spike,” Pinks stammered, “could you…umm…come over here?” She motioned her head to a corner near the stairwell away from the others.

“All right, give me a second, ducks,” he cast a warning glance at Faith and Rona to stay put before he went to see what troubled his hand-removing psycho-slayer. The fact that neither Faith nor Rona had named Dana’s Watcher raised the hackles on his neck. They were still playing close to the vest; better to see what Psycho wanted to tell him and play it from there.

“Right, pet…what is it you want to tell Ol’Spike?” he asked softly.

“When I was confused and hurt you and the Angel one stopped me, Mr. Andrew came with others like me. It was very hard. Brown walls. Yellow walls. No one understood me like you tried to do. I didn’t understand that I was seeing through the eyes of those that came before me. But then came Mr. Eye Patch and he made jokes. He painted my room at the Council lavender and made me a blue weapons chest. No more brown. No more yellow. I told him about you. He didn’t believe me. Thought I was seeing the other two …before you were good. Then one day, he came to me and said he believed me. He was going to be my Watcher and would I like to come live with him. He helped me become me again. I know I am still not whole. I am trying. Then he sent me to Faith…said he had to go check out something about a beautiful necklace. When he came back, he told me that he ‘might be able to help Spike’. That his Ahn would want him to. He cries over his Ahn at night when he doesn’t know I am awake. He will be waiting for us.” She poured this out in a hushed whisper, still very child-like in her delivery.

So Xander wanted to help him for Anya’s sake. And the Whelp had apparently made some discovery about the nifty little amulet that had allowed him to bring the bloody Hellmouth down. First Glinda, and now Monkey boy. Perhaps the blonde witch was trying to tell Xander something in her little message to him hidden within the bigger one. Bugger all, his life was getting complicated.

“Shush now, Pinks, not to worry. I’m not angry with you,” he whispered to her surprising himself that in fact it was the truth…he had forgiven her. “Now, let me ask you, do you know why Faith and Rona haven’t told me who your Watcher is?”

“Nope. But he said to tell his old roommate he has a box of Wheetabix ready for him in Cleveland with some marshmallows,” she said looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

He had already been shocked more times tonight than he had in probably the last thirty years of his unlife, but to learn that the glorified construction worker and snack obtainer, regular dog’s body, had not only purchased him a box of Wheetabix but had extended an invite through his slayer was too much. The Whelp…the cantankerous sore on the arse of humanity…in truth, the only one who probably hated Angel more than he did…had reached out a friendly hand.

Connor had walked up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Uncle, are you all right?”

“Ta, Connor,” he said appreciating that his nephew cared about his well-being. Noticing Pinks heartbeat had increased since Connor had approached them and a slight flush was appearing in her cheeks, he smiled inwardly at the crush the slayerette had on his nephew. “Connor, have you met Dana, no? …well, Pinky here survived her own ‘hell dimension,’ so to speak…brave chit she is…got the best of me…not many alive can say that. Well, Junior, the two of you need to wash up…will you show her where she can get the blood off?”

“Sure, Uncle Will; come on, Dana, I’ll show you the best rooms in the hotel.” He watched their progress up the stairs before turning back toward the rest of the room.

“Charlie, my boy…ya think you can make it up the stairs, or is there a place down here where you can get clean?” he asked, wanting to clear the lobby of all but him and the two remaining slayers. While he was anxious to rid himself of the noxious scent of the blood and fluids of those he had slain, his need could wait. As a Master vampire, he had had to endure much worse than the inconvenience currently presented.

Gunn, who was never one to be slow on the uptake, and for that Spike was pleased, answered, “Yeah, Spike, I can make it to the second floor. My old room is not too far. Be glad to get into some fresh gear. Don’t be too long yourself…got to take care of your duster. That’s your trademark.”

Blue cocked her head to the side and said, “I will stay here. You wish to speak with these two ‘slayers’ alone. There is no wisdom in this. When once I walked with my Old Ones, there was a demon who was without form but very powerful. It craved violence. It was but an insignificant gnat. I have sensed that demon resting inside those three ‘slayers.’ While this one you call Rona has been helpful in healing Gunn, the one you call Rogue has been withholding information. If you would wish it, I would take pleasure in playing our game with her.”

Faith had the common sense to look scared. Spike tried not to smile. Their bloody game. When Illyria first arrived, it had been left to him to find out what her physical attributes were. In the blinding white room that still gave him unpleasant reminders of the Initiative, they faced off like two gladiators of old. Blue had just suggested that she square off against Faith to learn all.

“S’okay, Bluebell. Stay if you like. Faithy and Roni are gonna answer my questions, if they want to leave here at all.”

Rona jumped at the cue first, “Spike…I want you to know. I did volunteer. Look, you’re right. In Sunnydale, I was still just a potential, scared that I was going to die like Eve and Chloe. I was supposed to be a vampire slayer and yet Buffy said you were off the hit list. And all she did was lecture; I was young…I didn’t understand. That night was real messed up. You came back and she was gone…then when you both were back, nothing was said. Buffy told us how you saved us all. That’s why I am here, Spike.”

“This one does not deceive you,” Blue started.

He interrupted, “I know Shiva, vampire here, remember? …heart rates…I’m a bloody polygraph. Apology accepted, Tender…why don’t you go find Pinks and wash up?”

“Thanks, Billy boy,” Rona smiled, “I am really happy that I could help here today.” With that she ran up the stairwell in search of her fellow slayer.

“Now, Faithy…it’s just you, me and Blue here. Why don’t we start off real nice an’ easy…who’s your Watcher?” he asked.

“Wood,” Faith let out the breath she had been holding, “he and I are still together. Really against the rules, but when have I ever been a follower of the rules? We hold down Cleveland. Got a second Council HQ there…sort of home-away-from-home for some of the girls.”

“So, Wood knows that you are here and about the message, right?”

“Well yeah, Robin helped secretly arrange Rona’s help. She’s usually in the Chicago area. Her Watcher is someone you’ve never met. His name is Adam. He was a retired Watcher in another division who returned after the bombing to help rebuild. Yeah, apparently Watchers don’t only watch us slayers.”

“And who is Dana’s Watcher? And why do you call her ‘Precious’?”

“You’re not going to like it, Spike. Man, this is why I didn’t want to tell you…cause you know the guy and you two hate each other. Okay…it’s Xander. And why don’t you look, you know, surprised?”

“Pinky told me during the battle…was waiting for you to tell me, ducks. So, Xander’s a Watcher…must be loving the research.”

“When Andrew brought Dana to the Council, Xander was in Africa. No one could get through to her. Xander had come back for a visit. Went right in to see her and it was like she was completely changed. Yeah, I always had him pegged for being the fool, but with her, man, you would have been amazed.”


“Hold on…that’s my phone,” Faith rifles through her bag and hurriedly answers, “Hey babe. Yeah, I’m five by five. Girls are good. Angel not so much. Spike is still undead… he’s… oh… okay… hold on…" (to Spike) "He’s handing the phone over to Xander who wants to talk to you.”

Holding the tiny red cellphone, Spike could hear Wood’s breathing, some shuffling, and finally the Whelp grabbing the phone.

“Spike…are you there? Hey, Bleached Wonder…come on …(to Wood) no one is there…Spike, I need to tell you something important…it’s about Buffy.”

“What about Buffy? Does she know about me?” he growled into the cell gripping it tightly.

“Spike, get your undead ass to Cleveland. I don’t care how you do it, but do it. We can’t teleport you back here, so maybe a plane or something. If you still have that old piece of junk you called a car, get in it and drive like the bat out of hell you are and get here. She and Dawn have been kidnapped. It looks like Wolfram & Hart…inside job…maybe the Immortal. Slimy piece of work, but I was in no position to tell her that.”

“Whelp, if I got on a plane why in the bloody hell would I stop in Cleveland if Buffy’s somewhere in Rome? I’ve got to help her. She’s my…” he stopped himself. Was she still? Until it was proven otherwise, he was going with yes.

Xander kept prattling on, “I know…but you have to come here first. I have something that you need. I can’t talk about it over the phone. This is Buffy and Dawn…come on, you know despite anything, when it comes to them… well, I put them first. Spike, I can help you help them. Just get here. Put Faith back on.”

“Shut your bleeding gob, you git. I’ll be there, but I’m bringing mates. Got to make them comfy like. Three more. I own a plane now….yes, I’ll load them all up. Oh, by the way mate, your slayer is full of beans…she did good.” For some reason he wanted the Whelp to know Pinks was fine, especially after what both the bit and Faith had said.

“Thanks, Spike…see you in Cleveland…now, let me talk to Faith.”

Handing the phone over to Faith, Spike pulled Blue to the side. He needed both of them cleaned and ready to go. He didn’t know what she required in that direction. She seemed to sense what he was trying to ask her.

“I require minimum maintenance. I will find an appropriate place to address my wounds and remove this filth.” And with that, Illyria headed up the stairs.

Nodding over to Faith, he motioned up the stairs, indicating she should freshen up after finishing the phone call.

Once up stairs, he hollered down the hallway, “Right, you lot, in fifteen minutes we’re leaving and heading for the airport. Be ready. No stragglers.”

(Rome, Italy)

It was dark. She was cold. She was hungry. And she was pissed.

Upon awakening, Buffy realized she had regained some of her Slayer senses, but they were still too weak. Her friendly, neighborhood kidnappers had provided her with such luxury accommodations, she thought sarcastically. No light, no heat, just a mattress with a thin blanket. She had started yelling for help when she realized that the metal walls seemed to muffle her voice. They had soundproofed the room.

A buzzer sounded. A voice, female, with a heavy Italian accent, started giving her instructions. “Ah, Miss Buffy, you are awake, I see. Good. Please be so kind as to move to the back wall. You will be moved to a much nicer room where you can join your sister.”

Dawn? They have Dawnie. She would find the Immortal and all who are doing this to them and slowly torture them. She wasn’t supposed to kill, but for this she might make an exception.

“Ah yes, we have your sister. She is quite comfortable, but she is so worried for you. I think it would be best if you were to join her. Now, step to the back wall.”

Buffy followed the commands, biting the inside of her cheek. She was feeling her strength returning, she might be able to make a break for it now…but without knowing where Dawnie was she couldn’t risk it. Better to play along. Hiding a smirk by looking at her bare feet, Buffy thought Spike would be impressed at her restraint.

Tears threatened to form, but she held them at bay. Not yet, have to tell Dawn. His Nibblet. She rubbed the marks at her neck. His marks. She knew it was silly, but just touching his mark made her feel safe. He would come for her and there would be hell to pay.

The door opened. Two men in Italian suits with guns pointed stepped in the room. A third man stepped inside holding handcuffs.

Wordlessly, she held out her hands in front of her. Seeing if they would be stupid enough to cuff her in front. If they did, it would be helpful information in the future. They did. The guy obviously hadn’t dealt in law enforcement or in the military.

The voice came to life again, “Do not attempt anything Miss Buffy. We have our guards on your sister as I speak. Just allow them to take you to her.”

Buffy nodded to the voice, wherever it was coming from, and silently followed the goons.

As she walked down the corridor, she noticed the logo for Wolfram & Hart. Angel & Spike must have done something huge to have forced W&H to dare make such a move. Recalling her Slayer dream, she knew it was a huge battle, but she wasn’t sure what had caused it. Maybe Spike cheated someone in kitten poker, a half-smile forming on her face.

Eventually they came to a room. A steel door was unlocked and opened. Inside was a plush completely furnished room complete with kitchenette and bathroom. But most importantly, on the bed curled up into a ball was her sister.

Once she was uncuffed, she ran to Dawn, pulling her into a tight hug. Mindful of Dawn’s non-slayerness, Buffy eased up on the hug…caressing her sister’s hair. Together, she thought…we’ll get through this together.

“Come and find us, Spike…we love you,” she whispered closing her eyes and falling asleep next to Dawn.

verse: spike's way, fic::ats/btvs/hl: spike's way, pairing: methos/cassandra (highlander), fic-crossover: btvs/ats/highlander, tv: angel: post not fade away, pairing: spike/buffy (btvs/ats)

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