Nov 21, 2005 15:33
Fill this out anonymously then put it in your journal, and I'll fill it out for you.
01. One secret.
02. One compliment.
03. One random thing
04. One love note.
05. Lyrics to a song.
06. How old you are.
07. How long we've been friends and how close we are.
08. And a hint to who you are.
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Comments 2
2. well you may be (i HAVE discussed this with many afolk) a dream come true. you're funny when you dont mean to be and funnier when you mean it you're pretty and have a good head on your shoulders/ we even discussed the level of how you're perfect for any guy. then again i sounds like a obsessive loser type person talkibng about you all the time. well confession i am
3. my dog eats cheetos
4. d is for damn awesome i is for incredible a is for amazing n is for not in the least bit unatrractive a is for ahh its diana oh my!
5. take your cat and leave my sweater
7. sweeeeeeeeeet jesus/ all my past lives pretty sure. we found eachother in this life kinda recently. but long enough for us to know alot about eachother
8. i dont know lady isnt it obvious?
02. You are the sweetest girl ever.
03. Robot voice!
04. There is no one in this world who I can imagine growing close to as quickly as you. No matter what happens, or where I go, you will always have a special place in my heart.
05. *Drawing a blank here*
06. 18
07. We've known eachother a little over a year, we used to know eachother pretty well, but it's been a while.
08. Hi there, Jennibelle.
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