no!!!!! :@ hahah he's actually cuter than jude law.. xDD lol i like your avatar!! heheh i can never make good ones!! ohh you know, the other class got their physX test back already x____X;
ohhhh.. him again?!! LOL.. dun u get tired of him already?! trust me, after two weeks, u are not gonna think he is good looking.. u r looking at him WAY too much! hahahaha.. but I like the drama tho.. =P
what??!?!? D<orange_seedJanuary 7 2005, 15:47:33 UTC
hehehhe! HEY! i'm still not tired yet, leon! and i looked at him for MORE than two weeks la!!! :D look at him in the bridal thingy, wonder if the girl was meee!
what the... always skipping eh..!! talking to her during marketing, tsk tsk!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! no wonder he looked so familiar! i wanted to see it!!! do you have it? do you have it? do you have it? do you have it? do you have it? can i borrow it? can i borrow it? can i borrow it? can i borrow it? lol
in the bridal picture, he looks a bit like edison... or ionno, maybe i got bad eyes... lol... GTO was pretty funny and cool... i used to watch it with my bro and mum... course, i didn't understand the chinese translation T.T'
nah, i haven't watched GTO.. i don't even know what it's about! LOL, but the OP and ED are pretty good. EDISON? uhh :/ edison chen.. or..? you should listen to the ED for BLEACH, it's SO good! :D
Comments 11
what the... always skipping eh..!! talking to her during marketing, tsk tsk!
but yess..he's cute
no wonder he looked so familiar! i wanted to see it!!!
do you have it? do you have it? do you have it? do you have it? do you have it?
can i borrow it? can i borrow it? can i borrow it? can i borrow it?
it's actually not THAT good.. the main girl isn't that pretty :/
GTO was pretty funny and cool... i used to watch it with my bro and mum... course, i didn't understand the chinese translation T.T'
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