
Mar 14, 2005 12:33

I have just bought ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

kynon March 14 2005, 18:07:47 UTC
*laughs at baps*


swotson March 14 2005, 18:20:19 UTC
preston, preston, preston....
to think - had you but plucked up the courage to offer him 'one of yer baps', AS I SUGGESTED, who knows what may have happened. it could have been one of those stories 40 something year old couples tell about how they got together that are always recounted at dinner parties where there is not much else to say.
ah well-im sure one day you will forgive yourself. i wont though.


xsporadicx March 15 2005, 15:12:11 UTC
i know, if only that courage had been plucked up, we maybe could have staged zoe falling out of her window and him skating along and rescuing her. curses!


orange_trunks March 15 2005, 17:07:54 UTC
oh I would have been completely willing to risk my spleen for an opportunity... it's just that actually TALKING to the boy would have been far too much of a challence/sacrifice/risk.


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