Mr. Tweek and the Blanket of DOOM!

Jul 05, 2004 18:59

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Out of the darkess, came a devious and ruthless foe, hellbent on taking down Our Hero. A villian, so cunning and terrible, to look upon her is to know true fear.

"HSsssss!" declared Carmen, looking upon the headquarters of the fearless Mr. Tweek. "That blasted overgrown oaf has stood in my way too many times!"
"But my lady," said Green Bear, "he hasn't stood..."
"Shut up, you. And give him the ... *whisperwhisper*"
"Do it... or no Teddy grahams!"

So Green Bear did his mistress's bidding and brought out the secret weapon.

Mr. Tweek, after protecting the couch from the Big Loud Noises, was making his rounds through the Valley of the Living Room when he came across something.. sinister.

"What is this... oh... it can't be! It's the BLANKET OF DOOOOM!"
And then, a great battled ensued.

The battle covered all of the Valley of the Living Room and into the Gap of the Dining Room

Our Hero emerged victorious!

He proceeded to trounce Green Bear.

"Alas! I am done for!" declared Green Bear before perishing.

Carmen watched with dismay, pondering why all her minions were so stupid and crunchy. "You win this round, Mr. Tweek... but I'll be back..."

"Oh... eh... uh... nice kitty! Nice Kitty!"

The end?
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