Title: Ordinary Days Ratng: PG Pairings: Ian/Anthony Genre/Warnings: Fluff, PWP Summary: Four random, fluffy shorts focussing on ordinary events in Ian and Anthony's lives.
Okay, so I've fallen for your writing now. Happy, bastard? Nah, jk XD! I just love the way you write.. it's not so difficult and elaborate that you have to look up dictionary.com, but enough detailed so that it's enjoyable and easy to read. Also, I love the occasional moments where you fade in on something so simple and make it much more detailed then you'd originally imagine it. Another thing I <3 about your stories is that you take a simple moment, like Ian eating, and spice it up. Instead of Ian eating, you make it more seductive. Instead of it just snowing outside and Ian and Anthony being happy, you show them doing things that couples would regularly do, but to the point where there's no kissing. God dammit. Your writing is so HNNNNNGGGHHHHH. Sorry for that long message XDD
I am quite the happy bastard! And this long message (don't apologize! I'd love it even if it was an essay or one word) meant a lot to me. *sniffs* Thank you for reading and your kind words!
Comments 19
These are so picturesque, so believable, that I nearly "squee'd" at the end. :P
Once again, I'm a pile of mush, who can hardly form a complete sentence after reading your stuff. <3
And tehehehe@ Ian wiping Anthony's nose.
Heheheheheh! Thanks for reading! And I'm a pile of mush every time you comment.
Nah, jk XD! I just love the way you write.. it's not so difficult and elaborate that you have to look up dictionary.com, but enough detailed so that it's enjoyable and easy to read. Also, I love the occasional moments where you fade in on something so simple and make it much more detailed then you'd originally imagine it.
Another thing I <3 about your stories is that you take a simple moment, like Ian eating, and spice it up. Instead of Ian eating, you make it more seductive. Instead of it just snowing outside and Ian and Anthony being happy, you show them doing things that couples would regularly do, but to the point where there's no kissing.
God dammit. Your writing is so HNNNNNGGGHHHHH.
Sorry for that long message XDD
And this long message (don't apologize! I'd love it even if it was an essay or one word) meant a lot to me. *sniffs*
Thank you for reading and your kind words!
Anyway, thanks for reading :) :)!
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