Title: Forget it the Next (Monthly Challenge - "Mistletoe") Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Ian/Anthony Genre: Angst, Violence Summary: (Side Story to "Words Unsaid") There’s something in Anthony that Ian knows. He pretends not to notice.
Hehe, I'm here again XD Oh god knows how much I love you! Seriously, your stories are awesome and this one is ARG!! I wanted to be there! I wanted to see them kissing this way! Aaaahh. That was so cute ^.^
Another outstanding piece of work<3 I really don't know what to say, since I've already told you how talented I think you are. I guess I'll just tell you that I absolutely loved this, and the imagery is beautiful, as well as the emotional turmoil and the fact that they both know they want something more but can't because it's not accepted in either one of their minds. These kinds of mind-killing fics are always the best imo, though I'm sad about the non-happy ending X)
Keep doing what you do, I shall forever cherish, adore and worship your work! (yes, in a creepy way.)
Hm this may be your first fic that made me really sad. I mean until Melanie's scream everything was absolutely perfect, as usual. The mood was amazingly set and it felt like I stood right next to them. But the end..I'm honest here, I don't like it. I want a happy end without a hurt Ian and Anthony :( Don't take this personal, please, I still love the rest very much!
No no your writing is brilliant but there is just something bugging me about the end. Maybe it's because I can't imagine Ian's fist punch...why would he punch Anthony? I think you mean that it is some sort of impulse but my brain just doesn't want to accept that.
Maybe you could write a sequel of "Words unsaid", that would be awesome ;) Oh and you are welcome :)
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It will gladly give its hand in marriage as long as you treat it nice.
I really don't know what to say, since I've already told you how talented I think you are. I guess I'll just tell you that I absolutely loved this, and the imagery is beautiful, as well as the emotional turmoil and the fact that they both know they want something more but can't because it's not accepted in either one of their minds. These kinds of mind-killing fics are always the best imo, though I'm sad about the non-happy ending X)
Keep doing what you do, I shall forever cherish, adore and worship your work! (yes, in a creepy way.)
Thank you so much for reading <3
Don't take this personal, please, I still love the rest very much!
Because while I was writing the ending, I was really pissed/upset too LOL! I felt it was really awkward with the punch and Melanie and Ian leaving...
I'd love to hear more honesty :D And thank you for that <33
Maybe you could write a sequel of "Words unsaid", that would be awesome ;) Oh and you are welcome :)
Next time, I want more honesty! LOL! I love it!!
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