Title: (Almost) Sex Scene Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Ian/Anthony Genre: Humour, Smut Summary: Movies make sex look wonderful - like something that could be achieved by anybody.
Oh, I think you did that very well! Their intense focus on each other makes it work very nicely.
And yes, it most certainly counts as smut. There are lots of different sorts of sex that don't involve insertion of certain things in certain places and all of them are valid and lots of them are fun!
I'm re-watching LoTR right now (extended versions)! I don't think I'm a hardcore-enough fan to write (I haven't even read the books! *shame*) but I did used to read fics. I plan on reading the books one day though... I really really should!
Yeah! That was soo hot ^.^ You shoul be super proud of it! I love the way they acted. That was super cute! I wanted to write a story like that too, can I? Cause I don't wanna stole your idea... Anyway, super good smut!! <3 Happy holiday!
Comments 36
And yes, it most certainly counts as smut. There are lots of different sorts of sex that don't involve insertion of certain things in certain places and all of them are valid and lots of them are fun!
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Yay! I'm glad you like it and thank you for reading. As for future smut... Let's hope my dirty mind keeps coming up with ideas. XD
Thanks for reading!
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