This is just a survey... look at the entry below though.
15 Years Ago, I:
1. was barely born
2. was still innocent
3. was still a brunette
4. didn't know what depression was
5. didn't know what cutting was
10 Years Ago, I:
1. cried myself to sleep everynight because i didn't have friends
2. started painting my nails with sharpies
3. saw my first psychiatrist
4. had my first crush
5. started wearing combat boots
5 Years Ago, I:
1. started chain smoking cigs.. and weed... and shooting up heroin
2. started dying my hair black.. and haven't stopped since
3. went past 1st base for the first time
4. descovered bulimia... found my first razor blade
5. pierced my ears 8 times myself
3 Years Ago, I:
1. met paige
2. got kicked out of school for heroin use
3. ran away for the first time
4. went to my first concert
5. was 90 pounds that summer... then i discovered anoretia
1 Year Ago, I:
1. was 62 pounds
2. started doing crack along with heroin and cigs
3. snuck out daily
4. lost all my friends but paige
5. had over 300 scars
Yesterday, I:
1. went to the park with my mom
2. went to confession
3. talked to an old friend about being "drug free"
4. laughed so loud i cried
5. bought some pink lipstick
Today, I:
1. saw "the passion of the christ"
2. ate chinese food
3. bought blue eyeshadow
4. cried for the first time in years... and meant it.
5. updated my journal.
Tomorrow, I will:
1. sleep
2. paint?
3. paint my toe nails [because they need it]
4. pick out the color for my hair
5. see paige?