So last night, assisted by much eggnog (the tasty adult version) Ryan and I successfully put up the Christmas tree! We attempted some outdoor lighting as well, just didn't go well. It smells piney in here. Pine is good.
Whilst driving through Calabasas last week, we got to see the fire up close and personal. As in right by the road personal. It was burning down somebody's house and even though Ryan said they probably had fire insurance, it was still sad. It's really crazy to come out here and trade hurricanes and tornadoes for fires and earthquakes. Freaky deaky,
Eek! Things seem to work a little differently out here when it comes to jobs. As in I am beginning to suspect the demand outweighs the supply. I sent out my resume to 8 offices and got 6 replies! I have two interviews for sure already, both at places that would pay me double what I made last year with TWO jobs. Go me!