So after much squirreling around (that's my word for trying-to-figure-out) on livejournal, i realized that I couldn't set all of my previous entries to a custom group all at once. i'd have to go through all 370 posts and set it to custom friends in order to do that.
I've got a new account!
But it's only for school. I'm still obviously super faithful to my beloved first journal ever. Religiously, even.
But for my Non-fiction creative writing class, we all have to start a blog on LiveJournal (cause LJ kicks butt) for blogging assignenments. WHY? I don't really know....
anywhoo, if y'all feel like reading my serious writing in the future, clicky >>
anti_autotune Cool. I'm going to fill in my new agenda with all my assignment due dates now. Ciao!