Yay headcanon (and some I & II canon that's often overlooked)

May 11, 2008 00:32

Actually, a few aren't headcanon so much as piecing failcanon facts together.

  • Because of a genetic instability brought on by the Y to X change from altering a male URTV to be female, the female URTVs usually had congenital birth defects and died very young. By the Miltian Conflict, only 9 remained, including Citrine.
  • Once Dmitri Yuriev returned to the Federation Parliament, the research going into the Zohar Project on Fifth Jerusalem was transferred to the military... which was essentially under the command of Yuriev's private forces. Citrine was given the key to the room which housed Omega Universitas in the Special Weapons Development Sector at the CAT Testing Ground, because of the danger it would pose if someone tried to pilot the thing. For simulations, it was installed with an imitation personality AI.
  • She was the leader of the girls' URTV infantry during the war on Miltia when she was 12. She was injured after taking a hit for Nigredo (Gaignun) and has some minute scarring to show for it.
  • Spends a lot of her free time in camp playing computer Sudoku. She's unsurprisingly very good at it.
  • Before the Third Descent Operation, Citrine already knew about how Yuriev planned to migrate his consciousness into Nigredo's body, and had been tutored early on about how to direct Yuriev's forces until he awakened. She awaited Yuriev's recontact for fourteen years. Sometimes she wondered if he ever would, but it was her purpose, so she did it.
  • Female URTVs were more unstable than the males and had a higher tendency to lose control of their mental waves; if this happened, they were literally disposed of. Citrine herself was made to practice her ability as a failsafe on many of the ones who went berserk so that she would know how to use it on Rubedo if she had to, so she would accept at a developmental age that they were tools, and as such, become numb to the prospect.
  • Before coming to camp, the only URTV she shared much kinship for was Nigredo- and in the end, that was only because of the mission they shared. As children, she was honored to meet him because of what she had been taught, but shooting papa in the face is a definite no-no.
  • She didn't find out about Yuriev's first death until she returned from Miltia.
  • Citrine knows Jr's reason for existence, his promise to Sakura, is something that causes him a lot of emo. She does pity him for that.
  • All URTVs have emotions, and they don't have anything to suppress them like an orange realian we know. Citrine used to get through things by believing what she was taught... that feelings were pointless for someone like her, and that it was better to not feel anything than to be hurt. She's starting to rethink that in camp, but is an obvious emotional retard.
  • Citrine is beginning to realize that neither her or Dmitri are leaving camp alive, and that he knows it too. She realizes that the culmination of everything he worked for failed somehow, and that Rubedo had something to do with it, but there's a high probability that nothing can be done about it now on their end. As such, she... no longer has a role as a weapon against U-DO, or a reason to exist other than existing for it's own sake, and that even if she wanted to die in camp, she can't until she's cleared to leave. She knows Yuriev is sort of broken, but she can't do anything about it. This makes her feel more useless.
  • Because of the last fact, she realizes her job in camp is absolute bull.
  • She's starting to contemplate leaving Yuriev because she's picking up on a lot of the crazy, but honestly wouldn't know what to do or where to go. He's the only thing she has left to live for, so she stays.
  • Citrine knows Jr. has pretty good control over his powers... and by "control", I mean she knows he suppresses it a great deal. Hence the shouta. After camp physically de-aged her and made him older last December, the fact that he never aged past that day pains her a bit, but she isn't certain as to why. So she bottles it up and tries to ignore it.
  • Citrine likes Raph, but honestly can't figure out why she's attracted to him other than he can whoop her ass. She doesn't like getting beaten by a man. She thinks that should bother her a lot! And, it kind of does. BUT! He makes her feel stuff and FEELING IS BAD, so she's defensive around him. She's offended when he makes cracks about her world and thinks he needs to use either Shut The Hell Up or Do Something About It, especially if his future is the same or similar. Figures she should probably stop talking to him before something happens with Raph, Dmitri and a shotgun. But probably won't.
  • When she gets sad, upset, or feels backed into a corner, she gets angry. It's a defense mechanism.
  • She doesn't really want to believe Heaven is real in her world, because she isn't sure she'd want an afterlife for herself. After everything's said and done, she's kind of tired.
  • As all URTVs are organic weapons, they all have an inborn drive to fight. This is suppressed a bit in Citrine and even more so in Gaignun who was calm and mature even as a child. This is likely caused by his mission as Yuriev's snatched body.
  • Citrine wants to try and be more congenial toward her brothers while she's in camp, but also doesn't know how and thinks they'll always be afraid of her, so she puts that thought away when it comes to the surface.

meme, character info

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