Title: Partners in - ?
Rating: R for language
Wordcount: 523
Series: Red Light
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true. Woe.
Summary: Ruud has woken up on a bench with no real feeling at all and wearing something rather peculiar. What the fuck? Happy holidays to
Intro post for this fic here. Ruud woke up just before dawn sitting on a bench on the side of the Achterburgwal, slowly and painfully, the pale winter light hurting his eyes. His head was dangling over the back of the bench, he couldn’t feel his legs, and his brain hurt a lot. Quite incredibly a lot.
“Ow. Fuck. Fuckkkkkin’sumthin’. Bloody shite-ing head, rrrnngh.”
“Stop talk’n’,” came a voice from his lap. “’N movin’. Hurts.”
He squinted sleepily, and lifted his head, peering down at Ed, who was sprawled along the bench on his back with his cheek resting comfortably on Ruud’s leg.
Ruud giggled. “You’re wearin’ a tux.”
“So’re you. Idjit,” Ed yawned, and wriggled as much as he could without incurring massive hangover pain. “We h’d lotsa drink.”
“Yuh,” Ruud said around his thickened tongue, lifting one wrist to stare curiously at the sleeve of his own tux. He didn’t even know he owned a tux, and it was very interesting that when drunk, he apparently went straight for an expensive men’s tailors instead of Vegas, but as he yawned widely and smacked his lips in contentment in the cool morning air, none of that really mattered.
He blinked, and lifted a hand up in front of his eyes, his hair in his eyes and obstructing his view of just how many fingers he was holding up. “Hey. How ‘bout that.”
“How ‘bout what?”
“’Ve got a new ring. Never seen this one before.” Ruud’s face contorted in a sort of bemused scrunch. “’S nice. Must’a got it last night.”
“Hrmmm,” Ed said, and his head lolled on Ruud’s thigh as his hands came trailing up his chest so he could look at them. “Oh. Look. I’ve got one too.” He reached upwards to show Ruud, and ended up nearby poking the other man’s eye out before he gave up, smiling benevolently at the little strip of gold around his long finger.
Ruud started laughing, each choked gasp of air making him jerk and shake, the hysteria of a drunk. “Hee. Hee, we’ve got matching rings. Tha’s funny. Look good. Hah. Oh my god. Rings. Us. Some prank,” he wheezed, his mouth hurting from grinning, and Ed groaned in protest as his head was jostled about in Ruud’s lap.
“Ow… hee. Pretty,” Ed said solemnly, and waggled his fingers in the air. The dull grey light of dawn played off both bands. “Why th’fuck we wearin’ weddin’ rings?”
“Funny joke. ‘S funny,” Ruud giggled. “Rings. Us. Married. Hah.”
Tears of merriment were leaking out of Ed’s eyes, and he turned his head, burying his head in Ruud’s stomach. “Oh yeah. ‘S hilarious.”
It took them a while to quiet, but quiet they did, and Ed closed his eyes, grinning up at the sky. Ruud sighed out a deep, contented breath, his head and arms dangling backwards over the bench.
Neither of them was later sure what the hell made sobriety come rushing in, but it wasn’t all that welcome, not least in that they both got massive headaches when they both decided to try and sit bolt upright far, far, far too quickly.
FIN…or perhaps TBC