Maybe that was the pre-existing programming language He used when designing specific creatures? Or maybe He decided to just do a really thorough job on it since it was His first big project.
Whenever I try those sorts of arguments I get some response about how God operates on such a higher plane that we can't understand his logic. Basically, the ineffability defense.
Yeah, and when there's less than a percentage point difference between us and "the animals of the earth", which are supposed to be as far below us as we are below the angels, it doesn't say great things about The Big Guy. I mean, if God's marked us for salvation or even consciousness of grace, He's awfully sly about hiding that, but we know how the body makes hemoglobin and that's a damn 50-year jigsaw puzzle all by itself.
If I rehash/tweak what I submitted last semester and turn it back in, I get an F. He does it, and people are all like 'Ooooooh!'. I guess I need the power of Eternal Damnation to get good grades without work or something.
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