So Tuesday at the TRES meeting we had another fantastic ice breaker. We each had to draw names of characters out of a hat and then impersonate that character as we introduced ourselves. The group had to guess the character and whoever guessed correctly went next. It was fantastic! I think the best one's were Christine's enthusiastic impression of godzilla (complete with frightened Japanese people), Abdullah's impression of Tom Cruise (we didn't really get it, but it was entertaining, nonetheless) and Trevor's impression of Lil John.
"My name is Trevor. YEEEAH! I'm in Marshall College. HUUH? My major - WHAT?? - is Marine Biology. OKAAY!" It was great. All exclamations were accented with head rolls. Video will be on Facebook eventually.
That night we went to CPK for an ACTA fund raiser. OMG, I can't believe how much I ate! I was craving their Mediterranean salad (best salad ever!), but also their mushroom ravioli. I decided to get the salad and then eat one or two ravioli and take the rest home. Nope. Definitely polished both off in their entirety (plus three slices of bread and some cake). =P The next day was Selena's b-day, so Travis also brought a cake for her.
Today I went out surfing. It was such a perfect day! It was blue skied and sunny, no wind, and the waves were perfect (on the small side, 4 ft or so, but that's great for me right now). I got beat up, today, though! I pearled (basically nose diving and thus flipping) pretty bad one time. Then this other time I had just caught the wave and was getting ready to pop up, but the wave knocked my hand off the rail. So I'm trying to get my hand back under me when this other wave comes from the side and rolls me. My body was contorted every which way and my legs were sticking through the surface swirling around, ha ha. I kind of strained the muscle that attached my lower back to my butt, but it's all good.
Later in the day we had a TMT meeting and then this All Campus Transfer Social. It was pretty much only my friends that showed up, but there was yummy food (I ate way too much fruit)! I even took some home, ha ha.