This could probably benefit from another proof-reading (or two), but if I don't post it now, it won't get done for at least another day, so...
Nothing the Same, Book 4
Chapter: 9/?
Feedback & concrit: yes, please
Disclaimer: don't own them, never will, just having fun.
Previous parts
here (
Chapter 9 )
Comments 14
The bolded part of the sentence could use "you're not ready" in it. It's amazing how rereading chapters makes me enjoy the story more.
Thanks for the catch. Got that fixed. *head/desk* nothing like a typo that completely changes the meaning of the sentence.
I've always loved Tara. She and Willow are one of my top favorite pairings ever and I'm so glad you got that to happen despite everything. And the best part is with no trio likely to least I hope not...I won't know until...well yeah.
Dawn's presence is starting to feel natural again...but I'm still concerned how Xander will react to someone he cares that much about being...well...ret-coned into his brain after his experence with memory spells. It'll be painful, I'm sure.
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