2. Click the browse button on the lj comment stats page. Find and select your saved page of randomness. Click get stats.
3. Copy and paste stats (which are in html and look like so much gobbledegook) into an lj post and hit preview to see if it looks right. Post it if it does.
Did I ask? *looks innocent* Besides - procrastination in moderation is a fine thing.
EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME, MISS! ::raises hand and waves it excitedly:: I just want to point out, Miss, that we talk more often on my journal. Otherwise, I would totally be first. actually, number of your comments on my journal is just shy of drbillbongo's, so probably not. BUT. I-- I feel the intense desire to win things. I can't help it. :/
I'm halfway sure that the majority of Bookcat's comments are from one of the epic limerick posts and that amuses me. ^_^
Also, your total number of commenters is very impressive! I suspect it's because of the handporn. And wigs. Just glancing at the usernames at the top takes me back to the heady days of PotC fandom. le sigh. ^^
SOON I SHALL BE QUEEN OF YOUR JOURNAL AND ALL THAT IS ON IT. Except for, yeah, you. Chatty Nancy. >.>
The limerick posts are, I think, a good indicator of everything else to do with us: everything is, somehow, connected to zombies and whores. And all of it is in crack form.
POTC FANDOM IS WHERE WE MET, CHAOS. DO YOU REMEMBER? Actually, I don't know what our first interaction was. I know how I met DQ, and Cupcake, but I'm blanking on you. :/ Do you have any idea? Likely one of us commenting on another's fic.
I rather imagine it would be tricky to write zombie whores as anything but crack. And even if you managed it, it would probably be angst bordering on crack. Think of them, poor dears, selling themselves on street corners with bits falling off them. Don't you just want to take them home and feed them a nice, steaming-hot plate of (someone else's) brains?
I do remember that we were both in PotC Fandom when we met, but other than that, I haven't the faintest clue (I suspect I simply gravitated towards the crack, and there you were). Can it be that we have not known each other forever?
O hai thar, comment-fiend of extreme awesomeness! You are winning by almost a hundred comments already. You're victory is secure for the near future. *grins*
I have seen/read the emailing someone you know not knowing it's them idea several times before, and this sounds like an awesome twist on that theme.
Ed is a bad, bad person. And not gay. I shall refrain from being sad about this fact :P
Reaction scenes = Wow. Bits of insanely adorable; bits of insanely hot. I loved Ed panicking, and Kell being bouncy then kneely - so obviously delighted about it. Yay!
Comments 41
*dances a tango*
How *do* you get this funky little thing to work? I can never seem to procure my own stats for some reason. :(
And, no, I am not bored out of my tiny little mind and procrastinating more than most small countries. Why do you ask?
And I just followed the instructions. I'm pretty sure that if I tried to explain them they'd make even less sense. But I did it anyway.
1. Copy and paste this
into your address bar.
Save resultant page of randomness to your computer.
2. Click the browse button on the lj comment stats page. Find and select your saved page of randomness. Click get stats.
3. Copy and paste stats (which are in html and look like so much gobbledegook) into an lj post and hit preview to see if it looks right. Post it if it does.
Did I ask? *looks innocent* Besides - procrastination in moderation is a fine thing.
*tangos happily*
And believe you me: your explanations make a whole lot more sense than *theirs* did. :D
Why said anything about moderation? :P
10 is a good number. I like Ten.
I'm halfway sure that the majority of Bookcat's comments are from one of the epic limerick posts and that amuses me. ^_^
Also, your total number of commenters is very impressive! I suspect it's because of the handporn. And wigs. Just glancing at the usernames at the top takes me back to the heady days of PotC fandom. le sigh. ^^
Although, last time? You were 13th. You are gaining :P
Hee. Very probably. Just thinking about our epic limerick posts makes me want to curl up into a ball and laugh for a while.
Ah, the Golden Age of Crack PotC. It was awesome.
The limerick posts are, I think, a good indicator of everything else to do with us: everything is, somehow, connected to zombies and whores. And all of it is in crack form.
POTC FANDOM IS WHERE WE MET, CHAOS. DO YOU REMEMBER? Actually, I don't know what our first interaction was. I know how I met DQ, and Cupcake, but I'm blanking on you. :/ Do you have any idea? Likely one of us commenting on another's fic.
Think of them, poor dears, selling themselves on street corners with bits falling off them. Don't you just want to take them home and feed them a nice, steaming-hot plate of (someone else's) brains?
I do remember that we were both in PotC Fandom when we met, but other than that, I haven't the faintest clue (I suspect I simply gravitated towards the crack, and there you were). Can it be that we have not known each other forever?
*spamspam* :D
But I could tlel you all aout my latest insane story ifd you wnat ÖP
In fact, please do. What is this latest insanity of yours?
I have seen/read the emailing someone you know not knowing it's them idea several times before, and this sounds like an awesome twist on that theme.
Ed is a bad, bad person.
And not gay. I shall refrain from being sad about this fact :P
Reaction scenes = Wow. Bits of insanely adorable; bits of insanely hot. I loved Ed panicking, and Kell being bouncy then kneely - so obviously delighted about it. Yay!
PFY? Pornographic Fluffy Yentas? Pink Flamingoes Yodelling? What?
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