Title: Blues Like Me (53/56) Author: Logan Pairing: Billie/Mike Rating: R Previous Parts: (found here) Summary: “E--everyone looks at me like…like they know it’s my fault."
Callie, why you no be nice to Mommy?! Dx And Billie, why you act so fucking stupid sometimes?! Gyah!!
But really, this was amazing (as always :3 ) and I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyy canNOT wait for the next chapter!!
And I seriously can't believe there's only three chapters left... It made me want it to not end. But end it shall, and I'll be here watching your stories, because I actually can't live without them any more.
Comments 3
And oh Billie, doing drugs. Tsk tsk. Really. xD
Oh, and the part when Callie was talking about her 'little brother', heart was totally broken.
Seriously, I love this story so much, and I can't believe it's nearly over. sdjhldkfh
Callie, why you no be nice to Mommy?! Dx
And Billie, why you act so fucking stupid sometimes?! Gyah!!
But really, this was amazing (as always :3 ) and I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyy canNOT wait for the next chapter!!
And I seriously can't believe there's only three chapters left... It made me want it to not end. But end it shall, and I'll be here watching your stories, because I actually can't live without them any more.
Don't make it end too soon, please?
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