Celestial Being is hiring.
I represent the organization known as Celestial Being. We are looking to hire individuals who are interested in joining our cause for peace.
Celestial Being consists of 4 departments: the Administration Department, the Department of Threat Mitigation, the Tactical Department and the Meisters. Only the first 3 departments are open to new applications.
The Administration Department is in charge of public relations and financial affairs of Celestial Being. Mission reports and applications are handled by the Department as well.
The Department of Threat Mitigation handles monster threats and other similar threats, ensuring the safety of the citizens of Purgatorium. The Department is one of the two offence-based branches of Celestial Being, the other branch being the Meisters.
The Tactical Department is the intelligence unit of the organization. Members are tasked with gathering important information and forming mission plans.
The Meisters, consisting purely of the original members of Celestial Being, form the second offence-based arm of Celestial Being. They are geared towards the pursuit of more specific and demanding threats in Purgatorium. The Meisters may be temporarily transferred into the different departments under certain circumstances.
The application process consists of five steps. More information may be obtained
[ooc: This is really an announcement, and not linked to Setz's journal. ♥ Any IC replies will not be tagged.]