Who: Alfred and Ivana
What: Visit
Where: Dorms, Ivana's room
When: Weekend, Afternoon, An hour or so after lunch
Why: Alfred wants to bake a cake with her
[ Alfred had informed Ivana that he was going to come over after lunch to bake a cake with her, so with complete confidence in himself, he struts into the girls' dormitory carrying all the ingredients they would need for the cake. The girls, who've seen him around and actually told him exactly where Ivana's room is, waves at him and giggles to themselves, aware that he's here to visit Ivana. One even teases him that she'd love to be his girlfriend if Ivana rejects him.
Not happening~
Unfortunately, he still believes that he's irresistible.
Standing before Ivana's door, Alfred knocks.] Ivana~!