Like pixels through an hour glass, these are the Sims of our lives

Feb 21, 2005 22:06

1.) Copy and paste this into your journal: <*font color="yourusername"> <*b>yourusername<*/b> <*/font>
2.) Eliminate the asterisks.
2 1/2.) Replace "yourusername" with your user name.
3.) See what color you are.

Here's a conversation I had with my sister this morning. It's not really all that interesting to people outside the family, but one or two of you might be amused. When my sister leaves and I'm all alone in the house, the cats and dogs swarm. Mostly the cats. Especially when I feed them. When I worked at Farm Sanctuary, I would take donated foods to the pigs on my way home. Now, I worked at the education center and in the office, so it took me longer to learn the do's and don't's's with the animals. For instance, I didn't know the pigs would bum-rush me when they smelled the apples. It's kind of like that with the cats, only scarier because I don't have a gate to jump on.

Grubs: DAG!
Me: YO!
Grubs: sup?
Grubs: I may have to rebootie
Me: lol
Grubs: schweet
Me: And we have no food so I'm gonna make muffins
Grubs: of course
Me: heh
Me: Luke's done a bundle
Grubs: nice
Grubs: did he keep his nappy on this time?
Me: Yeah, I turn them around now so the straps pull up instead of down
Grubs: dig it
Me: Dude, I totally thought I had to work this monring!! How was yesterday sunday???
Me: I thought it was monday!
Grubs: you didn't have to work yesterday, did you?
Me: nope
Grubs: aight
Grubs: dude
Me: I would have gone to work, too, if I hadn't read Susan's e-mail saying it was monday morning
Me: I was like, wait a minute
Grubs: send me those LJ codes again?
Grubs: LOLLL
Me: I looked at the calendar, but thought it was mail I'd missed yesterday or something
Grubs: you dumb turd
Me: So I went and got my work schedule and went, "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
Grubs: LOL
Me: The horde was confused. "We"
Me: I was nearly kilt
Grubs: GET HER!!!!
Me: Timmy went for my knees and when I fell, Guy jumped on my head and started smacking me
Grubs: you're special. they've never tag teamed me
Me: They're trying out new moves. I think you should be worried.
Grubs: great
Grubs: they're practicing drills when I'm not around
Me: Yep. They've got little whistles, too
Grubs: you have to send me the CODES. my AOL browser isnt' working
Me: goddammit!
Me: I CAN'T send it cos it doesn't show up in the ims!
Me:" alt="title or description" />
Grubs: I don't remember that alt being in there
Grubs: that don't look right
Me: that grey box is Grubs: ........gray box?
Grubs: is Guy still hitting you??
Grubs: yeah, a grey box shows up in my im
Me: add a link:">My Homepage
Grubs: send it in sections
Grubs: mebbe
Me: My Homepage
Grubs: hehe, gad you suck
Me: ="">
Grubs: send me the actual web address for the FAQ pages
Grubs: paste it
Me: My Homepage
Grubs: I can use IE
Grubs: thanks a bunchles
Me: No problemless

In Sim news, having overrun Bree with Hearteds, I decided to stop into the desert and see what was shaking in Strangetown. Created a new Sim named Rick Stonefield. Sounds like a porn star, no? Well, he's not, so get your filthy mind out of the gutter. Rick is a former high school ... history? teacher who has now gone on to politics. He lives in a big old school building. Shortly after moving in, he met a townie named Jessica Ebadi. He fell in love and proposed. Then he got her pregnant. She gave birth to twin daughters, Eleanor and Cordelia. Alas, she's a popularity sim, and eventually Rick came home from work early and found her in bed with the maid. They broke up, she moved out. Overwhelmed with responsibility, Rick let one of his students move in to help him with his daughters. Her name is Tiffany Riley, and she's a romance sim. And thanks to the tombstone of Life and Death, Tiffany grew up and seduced her former teacher. She gave birth to twin boys, Chester and Chadwick. Needless to say, it's a full house. That is, until Tiffany skipped out on them in the middle of the night. And now apparently everyone's forgotten how to walk down a flight of stairs, so they're all stuck on the second floor and starving to death. Stupid goddam sims.

On Becker tonight, one of his friends came in with a lump on his wrist, which Doc Becker diagnosed as *drum roll* a ganglion cyst. I know I spelled that wrong, but who cares. Grubs has one of those. A cyst, I mean. Not a spellchecker. And guess what the doctor did, Grubs. He told him to count to three and when he got to one, he smashed him on the hand with a huge medical book!

The father from Family Ties is on Drew Carey. He got old! I always had such a crush on him. By the way, Drew Carey's tv self and his tv girlfriend are expecting a tv baby. The show has officially jumped the shark.

I hate King of the Hill. Mostly because it's by the guy who did Beavis and Butthead, which I hate(d) with the white hot fire of a thousand suns. But also because it's stupid. It's really fucking stupid. And the kid looks like a sack of potatoes with teeth. I watched this episode because I thought the dad and kid were going to get run over by a train, but I was robbed. They lived.
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