Icon dump.

Jan 20, 2008 07:09

So, yeah uh. misora bought me paid time here on LJ because she apparently couldn't stand my lack of icons.

Fabulous for her (and you, too, maybe) that my access to more icons meant I would learn how to make them.

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

All the textures are from colorfilter.net and the fonts are from god knows where (especially Japanese fonts; I can't keep track of those).

The "Zazz" quotes, as well as "Wowee," are quotes from Metalocalypse, which you best get to watchin', fool.

You probably know how to do the credit-y thing if you or friends want to use any of these.
Jus' do that and we're chill.


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