Hello one and all! I hope you are having fun with Fly on Friday. I am glad to see so many people participating!~ *Showers everyone with hugs and cookies* I hope you are all ready for our newest activity. Here it is...
Goal: Give and receive your own personal fic wrapped in Yamalicious Goodness!
How: This event is an anonymous exchange, following the concept of
je_whiteday and
ryoda_love Prompt: Anniversary
- The author signing up is expected to write a Yama story. You can submit any story. From drabbles to a 10k fic epic.
- Every writer will be assigned a recipient, who will specify at least 2 concepts connected to the provided prompt to choose from.
- The writer should only use one of the concepts provided by the recepient to write a story. The story will be posted on "Ii Fufu no Hi" (November 22, 2014).
- In return, someone will do the same for you.
- All fics will be posted anonymously, and reveals will come in a week’s time.
Detailed instructions:
- This is a Yama exchange. Fanfics should focus on Yama. Other JE idols (or anyone else) may appear as background characters (if the recepient so wishes), but the central focus should be on Oh-chan and Sho-kun.
- Genre wise, it’s an Ii Fufu no Hi exchange, so I would love to see some fluff and romance. However, if your recepient gives you and angsty concept, go ahead and write one for them.
- The fic must have at least 500 words. There is no maximum.
- The fic needs to be beta-read. If you can’t find a beta, I might be able to help you out. I will not eat you and I will work with you to fix the problems, but let’s try to prevent as much of them as possible.
- This exchange is anonymous. Do not contact your recipient or reveal your identity before reveals are up. Also refrain from sharing your fic elsewhere before the reveals.
Some more things to be noted:
- How loosely you use the chosen concept is up to you, but try to utilize it one way or another.
- Use proper grammar, spelling, and clarity in both your fic and your request.
- Include complete HTML tags(tip: preview as a private post in your journal before submitting).
- Deadlines are there to be met!
- Once completed, your fics should be sent to oretachimods[at]gmail.com
The timeline:
- Sign-ups: from now till August 15th, 2014
- Assignment sent:August 22nd , 2014
- Fics Due: November 19th, 2014
- Posting: November 22nd, 2014
- Reveals: November 29th, 2014
About the method of paring people up: this is a Yama exchange only and the sign-ups are simple, so it should be pretty easy. I am going to basically do a slot machine type of selection. Let the fortune decide!
- Before you sign up, make sure you have read all the rules! You can sign-up in this post!
- If you have any questions or concerns, PM me or write me an email to the e-mail address listed in this post. I’ll do my best to clarify any confusion.
How successful or how much of a failure this exchange will be is entirely up to you. The more people sign up, the more lovely fictions will you get to read on November 22nd. Let's all celebrate this event together!