
Sep 17, 2009 08:48

Played tennis against Momo-senpai today. He's pretty strong, and it was a good game. We should play again sometime.

Oh, and Momo-senpai. Turns out I have nothing to do on Friday. Are you doing anything?

Screened to Tezuka-senpai )

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Comments 33

awedprowess September 17 2009, 15:06:10 UTC
Boy, we are playing on Monday. 7:30 am.


orewasamurai September 17 2009, 15:11:57 UTC
Does it have to be at 7:30?


awedprowess September 17 2009, 15:17:21 UTC
It does. I have classes, you ignorant junior.


orewasamurai September 17 2009, 15:22:15 UTC
All right, all right, fine. I'm going to win, anyway.


repeatedtalk September 17 2009, 15:10:06 UTC
You're not bad yourself, Echizen. We should definitely play again sometime.

And I'm not doing anything. Just catching up with studies, but I can do that later or do it before friday, so... I'm free.


orewasamurai September 17 2009, 15:13:30 UTC
We could play weekly. If you're up for it.

Have anything interesting to do? I've got nothing.


repeatedtalk September 17 2009, 15:17:26 UTC
Sounds like a nice plan. Weekly matches should improve me skills.

Ah... well, I haven't visited the town in ages. We could try to get a permission to go there... can we go there on after school or is just the weekends? I forget...


orewasamurai September 17 2009, 15:23:27 UTC
Good. Monkey King's not enough of a challenge, anyway.

We should be able to go. That's fine with me.


Screened to Echizen seriousaura September 17 2009, 15:24:53 UTC
What does your instinct say?


Screened to Tezuka-senpai orewasamurai September 17 2009, 17:40:03 UTC
... I still don't trust him. He has to have some other motive. I think.


Screened to Echizen seriousaura September 17 2009, 17:41:13 UTC
Usually one's instincts are correct.

Yudan sezu ni ikou, Echizen.


Screened to Tezuka-senpai orewasamurai September 17 2009, 20:18:50 UTC
Okay. Yeah. Thanks. I'll be careful.


imonaboatyea September 17 2009, 16:52:07 UTC
For a real challenge, you should try playing against your own brother. Whaddya say?


orewasamurai September 17 2009, 17:40:18 UTC
Nah. Don't feel like it.


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