
Sep 24, 2009 21:16

Went back to class yesterday. Everything's boring. I hate all my language classes, they're so easy. Everything's so boring.

Karupin hasn't been very energetic lately. He's been in bed with me... he's still eating, so I guess he's okay, but... it's worrying.

... I'm still not hungry.

Screened to Tezuka-senpai )

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Comments 33

imonaboatyea September 25 2009, 02:05:05 UTC
Well then, i'll make your day anything but boring! Time for me to visit my precious otouto!


orewasamurai September 25 2009, 02:06:43 UTC
... I don't want to see you. Go away.


screened imonaboatyea September 25 2009, 02:10:55 UTC
Whether you want to see me or not, I'm bringing over some food! I'm already getting it ready. I can't have you not eating! I haven't even played you in tennis yet. It's quite a shame. So sit back and relax, and your aniki will be right over!


screened orewasamurai September 25 2009, 02:13:23 UTC
I said I'm not hungry. I'm not going to eat. And even if you come, I'm not going to play tennis with you.


Screened seriousaura September 25 2009, 02:10:53 UTC
I cannot keep it either, as I'm sure you understand. If you wish, I can send it to my Tokyo office. However, it will sit there ignored and that is a waste of a perfectly translatable manuscript.

I think it would be good practice for you... if you decided to finish it.


Screened orewasamurai September 25 2009, 02:16:55 UTC
... I...

I guess I'll keep it.


...About this note...


Screened seriousaura September 25 2009, 02:20:00 UTC
If you don't want to, I have no issues with sending it to Tokyo. I'm going there this weekend anyway.

Is Karupin okay? Him being lethargic isn't normal.

What about it?


Screened orewasamurai September 25 2009, 02:29:38 UTC
No-- I'll... I'll keep it. If... if you don't care...

I think he's fine. I've spent most of my time in bed, and he likes to stay with me.

... I--

... Nothing, never mind.

... Why're you going to Tokyo?

[ooc: >>; He's crying. And at mentions of Tezuka going to Tokyo, he's still terrified he's not coming back, despite everything >>;;]


sparkmylife September 25 2009, 16:25:26 UTC
Even if you're not hungry, you should still eat. Even if only a little.


orewasamurai September 25 2009, 16:31:38 UTC
I guess. I'm really not hungry though.


sparkmylife September 25 2009, 16:40:13 UTC
Still. Should I make something light?


orewasamurai September 25 2009, 16:53:37 UTC
I guess that's fine.


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