Name/Nickname: Zephyr
Age: 15
Height: 5 ft...
Sign: Virgo.
Gender: Girl. :B
Likes/hobbies: Hm...reading, writing, drawing, and KH, bien sûr. And texting; half my life is wasted on the cell phone, haha.
Dislikes/pet peeves: Immaturity...but that's pretty much it.
Talents: ...being able to sing in seven languages? x_x;
Strengths: I'm pretty emotionally stable? Like, I don't get upset very easily.
Weaknesses: Not getting upset easily >_>; People think I'm like, cold, when something sad happens and I'm like...whatever.
Something unique about you/something few people know about you? Something unique is my bizarre day I'll wear black with chains and make-up, the next I'll wear a a skirt and a pink tank~ haha.
If you had one wish, what would you wish for? WORLD PEACE~ haha, no. I would wish for cold weather all the time...seriously, that would make every day a good day.
Leader or follower? Neither. I don't lead anyone, but I also don't follow anyone.
Rely on impulse or cunning? Cunning.
High or low self-esteem? High.
Submissive or dominant? Both >3
Shy or outgoing? Quiet.
Who are you more attached to: family or friends? Family, because it's a constant.
Speaker or listener? Listener.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Cynical.
And just for the sake of asking... (this won’t - or shouldn’t affect your stamping outcome)
Favourite Organization member?Why? Ah, I love all of 'em. Especially Xigbar, and Demyx...and Axel, and Roxas, and Marluxia...and Larxene, and Vexen...XD
Favourite food? Those little school burritos...awwright.
Favourite band/singer? Hawmigod, Placebo~ *hugs Placebo* That band is like, my comfort band...and then, I love Mindless Self Indulgence for the crack factor. And I love pretty much any j-rock or j-pop, or j-rap...or j-grunge...o_o J-anything.
Have any pictures? If so, please post some! If not please describe your appearance. :)
Long, wavy brown hair with bangs...emo glasses...and lots and lots of bracelets.
Anything else? Dirge of Cerberus is making me so happy right now... :D