Name/Nickname: Riyo
Age: 15
Height: 5'4"
Sign: Scorpio
Gender: Female
Likes/hobbies: Anime, manga, video games, Kingdom Hearts (of course), fanfiction, music (especially Japanese), hanging out with friends, DDR, singing, computers, internet, YouTube (I just decided I'm in love with YouTube today), acting, reading, writing, pretending to have a life... Cake!
Dislikes/pet peeves: Cartoons with bad animation styles, and, well, bad anime. Closed-minded people. And... pea soup. Oh, and fast-readers, because I read slow.
Talents: Singing (sort of...), my ability to make anyone and everyone think I'm completely nuts (is that really considered a talent? Maybe not...), DDR, making people laugh.
Strengths: My determination, my confidence, and, uh, my outgoing...ness.
Weaknesses: My over hyperactivity, random insecurity...
Something unique about you/something few people know about you? ...I can't actually think of anything...
If you had one wish, what would you wish for? I would wish for a chance to fulfill my dream to be a voice actor~
Leader or follower? I'm too lazy to be a leader, but to stubborn to be a follower, so I don't know.
Rely on impulse or cunning? Mostly impulsive. Usually.
High or low self-esteem? Usually in the middle. I try not to pay too much attention to self-esteem.
Submissive or dominant? Both. It depends to much on my mood to say.
Shy or outgoing? Outgoing. Unless it involves random adults that I don't know.
Who are you more attached to: family or friends? Friends.
Speaker or listener? Blah, blah... oh, sorry, what? Speaker~
Optimistic or pessimistic? I see both sides, but I try to stay optimistic.
And just for the sake of asking... (this won’t - or shouldn’t affect your stamping outcome)
Favourite Organization member?Why? Axel, 'cause, uh, yay, fire! And Larxene 'cause she's the only girl and she's cool... And Demyx 'cause I like his name.
Favourite food? Cake. And cocolate. And candy. Sweet, yummy stuff. Oh, and pasta.
Favourite band/singer? L'Arc~en~Ciel and T.M.Revolution
Have any pictures? If so, please post some! If not please describe your appearance. :)
Short, brunette hair, light blue eyes, glasses... and, um... yeah, I can't describe myself very well. ...Whatever.
Anything else?
Well, I had this weird dream last night--it was like a Kingdom Hearts/Advent Children/Digimon crossover, and... Oh, that has nothing to do with anything. Then, nope, I guess not.