
Sep 01, 2008 23:43

Name: Elii
Age: 19
Location: Portland, OR (Home of the Chronic)
Reason you wanted to join our group?: I love weed. And I love girls.
How'd ya find us?: I think I searched "weed"
How Long Have you been smoking Mary Jane?: The first time I smoked was in 8th grade, so assuming I was around 14, it's been 5 years, almost 6.
What Music Do You Like To Listen To When You're Stoned?: Boards of Canada, RJD2, Free the Robots, basically anything groovy and/or calm, with little words. Words are too much some times.
Where do you normally smoke? Mostly at home and at work. Bitches at my work LOVE the reefer.
Favorite Smoking Device? My darling Princess Ozma.

Photos of you: (hint:hopefully smoking):

I'm in the front.

A photo (or video) to amuse/inspire:(something random for everyone to enjoy!)

A link you would like to share. (could be your myspace/facebook/ravelry/personal lj or just a funny/awesome site) (feel free to add me)

OH MY GOD. My internet just totally flipped off, thank GOD for livejournal storing drafts, and thank GOD again for firefox having the ability to restore your session. PHEW!
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