Alright, it's been a real long time since I've posted so there is probably going to be alot of things in here. You certainly aren't obligated to read it.
School is coming along fine. Right now I'm looking at graduating in spring of 2007. Alot is going to depend on if I can get the classes I need. In part this is going to depend on whether these classes fall within the restrictions of my 3 day work week. Since this doesn't seem terribly likely, it's quite possible I am going to have to quit my job for a semester in order to graduate then. Loans are an option, though a rather unappealing one. At this point I can really only wait until they post the schedule for next semester and see what I can work with. After this long though, I am really ready to be done.
I've started considering graduate school or other post-graduate education more and more. Getting a masters in immunology/virology is what I want to do most (outside of going to medical school, but this strikes me as very unlikely considering my GPA). Another option I've been looking at is getting a medical technologist certification and then going on to getting a Certification of Technologist in Microbiology. That is more of a fallback if I can't get into grad school. So far I've got a 4.0 at KSU though, and I can certainly expect that to continue. Ideally, this will be considered over my previous grades (though perhaps going to Ga Tech will give me some extra points).
In other news I'm going to quit smoking again. It's been almost exactly one year since I started back and it's really starting to hurt me. I look forward to being able to run again without nearly collapsing. I'm not the kind of person that can manage addiction very well and it works best for me to just cut it off rather than attempt weaning process.
This leads into me getting into a better excercise/weight loss program. I just went through some old pictures of myself and it was pretty depressing. I've probably gained somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 lbs (not good weight mind you) in the last 3 years or so. This is entirely unacceptable and I've already started to make steps to fixing this. Number one of these is not drinking 6+ beers a night.
Also, I'm growing my beard again. This should be pretty obvious to anyone that has seen me in the last several weeks, but it bears noting. After about 3 weeks it's finally starting to get long enough so that I don't just look like a slob that couldn't be bothered with shaving. I forsee it being a seasonal thing and I am already looking to remove it around my birthday of next year. I do however, plan on cutting everything off except the mustache. Maybe just for a day or two, or at least long enough to see what it looks like.
I also need to get out more. I spent alot of time at home doing nothing productive and I'd like to make strides to be more social and hang out with my friends more. Too often I am ignoring social interactions in favor of playing some video game that is basically a clone of a better game I've played before (or replaying a game I've beaten). School and work get in the way of being socially active, but I probably let it go too far. Please call me! I promise I'll answer and be enthusiastic about whatever you have to say/do.
Thats about all I've got for now, but I'd like to extend the trite statement that I want to update more. Sometimes it just takes a clearly of the system in order to be able to post more regular everyday type things.