somewhat important

May 30, 2005 12:39

alright so tomorrow is when our german caravan leaves. i thought i wouldn't miss anyone, but i'm starting to realize that is complete crap. i'm going to update this as often as possible, with pictures and posts, so you can all at least experience a little bit of what i am. they will (for the most part) be public like this entry, b/c that way, other ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

xmadenthe80s May 30 2005, 10:42:18 UTC
have fun man


orgas_tastical May 30 2005, 17:19:07 UTC
thanks. we should definately hang out once i'm back.


melveric May 30 2005, 11:23:55 UTC
c'mon over to my place!!


orgas_tastical May 30 2005, 17:21:01 UTC
aww man you know i can't come to your town though. you, berlin, a date i can't remember? i will find it tonight and let you know.


psychobalbettio May 30 2005, 13:30:09 UTC
Have A Good Trip!


orgas_tastical May 30 2005, 17:21:23 UTC
thanks! have fun here! don't eat bad chicken!


psychobalbettio May 31 2005, 08:41:12 UTC
haha, I'll try not to


khaas May 30 2005, 17:47:16 UTC
Ooooo! Picturesss!! *sits and waits for the next month*


orgas_tastical May 30 2005, 18:54:04 UTC
yes, mmm pictures. i might post some later tonight actually, once i'm finished packing. wooo.


thethirdwish May 30 2005, 22:09:31 UTC
Be safe and sprich gutes Deutsch mit den Deustchen!



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