Color Me Vibrant Tutorial

Jan 07, 2008 21:20


Done in Photoshop CS 3
Selective Coloring + Color Balance + Curves + Color Layers
Non translatable
Great with dark pictures with lots of neutral tans + oranges.

1. Open your image, crop, sharpen, and do what you usually do.

2. Duplicate your layer and set that layer to Screen 100%.

3. Create a Color Balance layer with these settings:
Midtones: -16, -11, +18
Shadows: -50, 0, -21
Highlights: -14, -4, +10
Preserve Luminosity CHECKED.

4. Make a Color Fill Layer with #eed6e6 and set it to Color Burn, 100%.

5. Create a Selective Coloring Layer with these settings:
Reds: -58, -13, -15, +12
Yellows: -26, +13, +100, +10
Cyans: +100, -59, -100, +100
Magentas: -100, +100, -23, -54
White: 0, 0, 0, +10
Neutrals: +17, +7, +9, +3

6. Create a Color Fill Layer of #c6baab and set it to Multiply, 100%.

7. Duplicate your original image and drag it to the top and set it to Vivid Light, 30%.

8. Create a Levels layer with these settings:
Input: 0, 1.68, 207
Output: 0, 255

9 Now create a Curves Layer with these settings:
point 1 (Input: 123, Output: 126)
point 2 (Input: 177, Output: 185)
point 1 (Input: 77, Output: 72)
point 2 (Input: 147, Output: 143)
point 1 (Input: 173, Output: 153)
point 2 (Input: 76, Output: 114)

And you get
, if you want something like
, just get rid of the Vivid Light Layer. =D

If your images end up being too bright, adjust the opacity of the Levels layer.
DONE! Enjoy. =D
Comments are appreciated.


(with Vivid Light Layer)

(without Vivid Light Layer)


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