Well, I know.. It's a long time that I don't post some arts on my LJ, but this last period it's been really busy to me!Y_Y Well, I still have a lot of choas with my college's lessons, but when I read about the imitation challenge on
hp_fringeart, I can't stop myself and did this one, that I wish to use for
fanart100 too...
Yeah, Bellatrix as the beautiful and cruel woman in the famous pic "Sin" by Franz Von Stuck!*.* I love this painting! Sadly my drawing don't comes out so well, I'm not so happy about the face, pfff, and the snake (Nagini????XDDD) looks so strange, mh... I'm sorry!T_T Hope you like it the same, I spend a lots of time on it!Y_Y
That's all...
Hope to see you soon!!^^