
Apr 06, 2006 01:11

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Comments 4

immortalsecrets April 7 2006, 01:34:01 UTC
Sorry, I thought you got my comment about the challenge.

I like the picture idea, but I don't know about the lyrics idea... I understand where you are coming from with the concept... but it is an Evanescence icon contest. But, because I like diversity, go ahead with it. It's a great idea. They both are. Good job!

Thanks again for doing this for me. I appreciate it a lot.


shadowsofafire April 7 2006, 01:39:05 UTC
I'm sorry, it's an idea I've had for a while now. >.> I'll be sure not to do that kind again.

I love this icontest, I was just in hopes that if two different things were put it up it may make people participate more. I dunno, I've been around since the 4th week of this place, and I don't want to see anything happen to it.

Feel free to email me about ideas you want put for contests, or instructions, anything at all. Amanda@se.rr.com

I'm happy to be helping out. Thank you for letting me!


immortalsecrets April 7 2006, 01:52:51 UTC
I completely agree with the ideas as a way for participation to increase. This icontest is my baby, and I would also hate for anything to happen to it.

Don't let my comment make you not want to do the kind of contest you want to do. Creativity is great!

I also have a question for you. Would you be willing to take over the community for me? I would still like to have a say in things perhaps, but I just don't have the time to run it. Right now, I'm in the process of moving out, which I'm going to be doing within the next two days, and once I do move out, I'll rarely be able to get to a computer. I know you run your own community, so you have experience, plus it would really help me out. I've had toolostobesaved take over for me in the past, but the poor girl runs about a billion communities, so I feel bad asking her.

Think it over, and if it's something you want to do, just let me know. Thanks!


shadowsofafire April 7 2006, 02:37:02 UTC
Of course I'd love to. I'm thinking about maybe creating some promotional graphics for the community, so as to advertise in hopes of some new members.

I would like having your say in things, especially since it's yours. I felt a little weird helping out when you weren't around before, because we didn't have your permission for it.

Thank you for trusting me with your community, it means a lot to me and has made my week.


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